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Virtua Fighter Kids appreciation

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    Virtua Fighter Kids appreciation

    VF Kids is the most overlooked and under appreciated game in the entire series.
    These morons who say it is not good because the chibi effect was unecesarry are dipsh*ts - they missed the entire point of the game.

    Basically I tihnk AM2 was trying to saying:
    "F*CK OFF!" - the hardcore fans who were always bragging about how great the series was because it was so serious.

    and "Hey Let's have some fun!" - To the VF fans who would still appreciate it because of the gameplay rather than whether or not it looked realistic or felt.

    While also trying to attract more otakus and kids to the series by giving it a stylised cartoon look!

    VF fans who don't appreciate what VF Kids stood for don't appreciate design - It was designed to show AM2's creative humour streak - such as the expressions on the characters faces!
    Not to mention that but the Saturn version went even further by adding all that neat extra stuff! Such as the combo maker etc.
    And the individual FMV endings were great as well.

    In terms of Gameplay i'm not a Fan,
    But always a Fan of SuperDeformed Charas


      i have it but didn't really get into it as such. looks gorgeous though, and it works - my first experience of the vf kids was in fighters megamix and they didn't work too well in that against the regular tall chaps, but in the actual game it works just fine (obviously!)

      i'll probably have another bash at it soon enough, i usually do when threads like this get started!


        Sure it's pretty nice but the serious game is better.

        Not because it's serious, it just is.

        Worth a go fo real tho.

