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x-Box modding?

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    x-Box modding?

    Have had a quick scurry for an answer to no avail so here goes...

    Basically, a friend of mine had his x-box modded to include a MAME emulator i think it is, can someone tell me more doing something like this with my own x-box?

    Mainly how much would it cost, what other emulators are possible to run through an x-box, and where could i get hold of such a service, considering the guy who did this for my friend is constantly touring with his band?

    A chip (?30-40), some very basic soldering skills (or none if you go for a no-solder, which contrary to some peoples' opinions DO work ), and then a good forage on the net. There are Xbox emulators for just about every system out there, right up to psx. The problem is that a lot (not all) of the emulators made are using the xdk to make them, which they aren't allowed to do really, so you won't find readily available sites on web.


      best place to answer all your questions would be
      lots of apps here (french site)


        Thanks for the links, much appreciated!

        Just one more, very quick question, is it possible to fit more than one emulator to an x-box? For instance, would love to stick the formats i've grown up with on there, such as CPC464, Mega Drive, Gameboy etc...


          Yes, no problems.


            Ok i've been searching through all manner of websites linked through the ones listed above but i'm still struggling with regards to what i need to ask around for?

            I'm basically just looking for somewhere to mod my current x-box to include emulators for an Amstrad CPC464, Sega Megadrive, Sega Master System, Nintendo Gameboy, Super Nintendo, N64, and perhaps a Playstation...

            Where can i go to get such a modification? Anywhere people have gone in the past and can recommend?



              theres a bloke on there called yod@. You will have to register with the site but I've had 1 xbox modded by him and i bought a modded one off him too. his work is second to none (I promise). he puts all the appsand emus on for free and he's pretty cheap too. I think I paid about 40 for the chip and an extra 40 for a 120gig hd.

              My hd broke once and he swapped it for free. that man is amazing. I don't know what he's doing on such a low class message board.


                oh yeah, I've reccomended him to about 8 of my mates and they are all happy too. I think theres a sticky thread on that forum just for appreciating his greatness.


                  Amazing, have posted a message on there for him!

                  Thanks for you help x


                    no problem big stu. I'm just glad I was able to help someone.


                      Theres also G-Funk in Scotland and Will2003(London Console) whos in London,funnily enough.

