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Dutch Retro Shops?

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    Dutch Retro Shops?

    Basically my contact in Japan is in Europe for the next few we've decided to meet in Amsterdam the weekend after next.

    Now of course there is a lot there to keep one entertained. I hear one can readily buy marujiuana, porn, even a lady for a few minutes or hours, although I couldn't say if this is true or not.

    My burning question though is whether one can buy anything retro gaming related. So can one? (And I don't mean mushrooms that make you double in size or spit balls of fire, cool as that would be though)

    Even cooler. There is a retro game shop near a lot of coffeeshops (the place where one doesn't drink coffee, but buys marihuana) and somewhat near the red light district in the center of Amsterdam. haha.

    The retro shop is pretty cool. Haven't been there lately, but last time they had everything from the Virtual Boy to Neo Geo to SNES, Megadrive, Atari 2600 and tons more. It's called "Game Over?" and it's near the central station. Just check their site for directions and an address. You really should visit!


      Cheers..that shop looks pretty cool.

      I'll definitely check it out in between white widow hydro and white widow bio...or perhaps between blue misty and bio misty...I'll check it out for sure. Cheers


        yep, been in this shop a few times, some really nice stuff but very overpriced.


          There's the rub it would appear..nevermind then..perhaps I'll just windowshop


            This thread's good timing. I'm off to Amsterdam next weekend 8)


     you mean the weekend during 25-28 of this month? If so, fancy a meet for a smoke (and game talk of course)?


                Originally posted by dvdx2
                yep, been in this shop a few times, some really nice stuff but very overpriced.
                Yeah... they are a bit overpriced. But you can find cheap stuff as well. And if you really want that Virtual Boy or Neo Geo right now, without all the hassle of Ebay, just buy one. You pay a little more, but hey... you do know if its really in mint condition or not. I guess they might even let you try it out.


                  That shop is well cool! I was there a couple of weeks back to pick up Samurai Shodown 2 on the NGPC. Boxed with inst. 32euros.

                  They have a nice Game+Watch cabinet.

                  They had Metroid Zero Mission as well but I didn't take my GBA.

                  Can't wait until I'm living there.


                    I know this is ntsc-UK! But wtf... Recently I found out they opened a retro gamestore in my town. They might be common in the UK, but the only one I ever knew is the one in Amsterdam. So I went there on saturday and the guy had an arcade cabinet with Metal Slug 2 in it. A Neo Geo AES with Metal Slug in it (after asking him if it was the original he told me it was a modded MVS copy) and an Xbox playing Metal Slug 3. Quite the Metal Slug fan... But anyway... They opened three months ago and he has quite some stuff already. A lot of Megadrive games. From which I picked up The New Zealand Story. A fair amount of Saturn, Dreamcast (Ikaruga is mine now!), Mega CD and 32X games. Not enough SNES, N64 and NES games and some other old stuff like Lynx, Neo Geo, PC Engine, Amiga, C64, Neo Geo Pocket, Jaguar and current generation games. Pretty cool shop. So if anyone visits the city Leiden in the Netherlands. Check it out!


                      Just got back from the dam. Checked out that retro shop from above. They had a lot of stuff...a was good to look at.

                      Sadly though the prices were an absolute joke...Streets of Rage 2 (Pal and complete) for E79 perhaps took the biscuit (although pretty much everything was a heart attack moment).


                        Did you buy anything at all from there?


                          Originally posted by wheelaa
                          Just got back from the dam. Checked out that retro shop from above. They had a lot of stuff...a was good to look at.

                          Sadly though the prices were an absolute joke...Streets of Rage 2 (Pal and complete) for E79 perhaps took the biscuit (although pretty much everything was a heart attack moment).
                          Wow that is really expensive!! You can even get Streets Of Rage 3 for that price on ebay...


                            Didn't buy a thing..I looked at everything for that elusive bargain, and sadly this time it was just that

