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NGPC Question...

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    NGPC Question...

    I've recently dug out my NGPC and something is really bugging me. At the top of the screen there's a tiny band of black where it looks like the actual screen has been fitted too far's hard to explain but I was wondering if anyone else has this on their console?

    I've had a look at a few images online and some machines seem to have the same small band, but I can't be sure.

    Can you take any pics mate? Finding it hard to picture your query.



      This isn't my machine, it's just an image I found on the net.

      The red bar represents the area I'm talking about. There's a thin black band there, it appears to be the edge of the TFT screen. I'm thinking the screen hasn't been fitted 100% correctly and it's too far down, hence the fact that I can see this black area.


        Sort of yes, sort of no. There's a very thin black line at the very top of mine, but it's nothing like as large as in your pic and I'm sure is just because the screen's recessed.


          Mine has this band also, about the same size. I think it just looks bigger on that pic as you have coloured it red.


            Sorry, that band makes it look bigger than it is, it's actually quite small, maybe a mill or so, but it's noticeable.


              will have to check mine tonight now, but never noticed it before tbh.


                As far as mine goes, it's not something that you can see unless you actually look for it. In fact, I'm still not even sure that the same band isn't present on all four of the sides.

                <edit> Nah, that's rubbish now I look again. It is only on the top, but it just looks like it's because the screen is slightly smaller than the clear area of casing - it's not as if it's cutting off the bottom of the picture, or anything.
                Last edited by E. Randy Dupre; 18-02-2005, 13:29.


                  It's not cutting off the bottom of the screen on mine either.

                  Might be the same on all units then.


                    I had this problem with two units, the gap is quite a bit bigger than normal about 1-2mil, thankfully this was back when they were being sold retail so i took it back and got a replacement the second unit this happened to was a unit that my mate did'nt want, so i got as a spare.

                    Its not fixable i dont think, and it always looked like the screen was not put in properly? I think this has got something to do with an earlier batch - the serial numbers on the back have some sort of significance, i've been told if its before a certain number then this happens frequently.

                    Shame, still as units they're really very cheap still!


                      mine looked fine when I checked, tiny tiny gap at top and whole screen is visible, wouldn't have even noticed (until it was pointed out)

