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Frankie Goes to Hollywood

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    Frankie Goes to Hollywood

    I've been on a nostalgia tip of late and actually dug out and dusted off my trusty old C64 fro a trip down memory lane.

    From this, I came across this old classic and was wondering if anyone else remembered it. It's perhaps one of the msot unusual games ever created.

    The aim was to make your humanoid avatar a complete human being, and you did this by negotiating a quotidian suburbia, partaking in a number of minigames (which could be found by playing with the environment).

    You found yourself climbing into paintings and video screens, feeding cats that opened portals into gardens where you had to catch falling flowers, shooting cardboard cutouts of politicians in a fairground shooting range amongst many other things.

    The one sure thing about this game was its sheer unpredictability. It didn't really have anything to do with the 80s pop group beyond the use of their music (on the C64 version anyway) and the fact that the character you controlled looked like the one in their logo. As such, it was a weird choice for a license, though that was part of the charm.

    My mate at school had the Spectrum version, which was the same apart from the lack of music. It was also shy of a one or two levels featured in the C64 version.

    I never did beat this game, but I came close (99%). So does anyone else remember this odd but very compelling title?

    I had it on the Amstrad, but I was a bit too young for such surrealist shenanigans - had no idea what the game was supposed to be about, or what I was supposed to do! I got it as part of a compilation, wow I miss those...


      Just to jog some memories:

      The terminal room.

      The Gorbachev vs Regan minigame (this was 1985 remember...)

      Where on earth do you start when designing a game like this? Denoton Designs must've been smoking some serious stuff!
      Last edited by Ady; 01-03-2005, 10:38.


        Much like Pistol, i was too young when i first played this so didn't understand what the hell was going on. I bought it as it was included in Ocean's 'Magnificent Seven' compilation, so i ignored it in favour of 'Head Over Heels'.


          I had it on the speccy and it was very, very strange.
          And no i never managed to finish the damn thing either.


            The Japanese have made loads of games like this, but when a Western developer makes something surreal and abstract people can't deal with it; very strange.

            I have never played it, bit before my time, but I will load the rom and give it ago, it actually looks quite interesting.

