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Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge/Legend of Dracula 2 (Gameboy)

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    Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge/Legend of Dracula 2 (Gameboy)

    I'm seriously looking forward to the new DS Castlevania at the moment, so I'm replaying all the handheld versions I own, including the B&W classic Belmont's Revenge/Legend of Dracula 2.

    This is easily my favourite B&W Gameboy game. It's just perfection. The gameplay, the control, the music, the challenge...considering how poor the first GB CV game was (Castlevania Adventure) it's amazing how right Konami got it second time around.

    The music is the best I've heard on the original GB, and even today the tunes are impressive, regardless of the crap GB speaker. I've got the OST on CD and I often find myself listening to it at work. Just goes to show that having the best audio hardware doesn't always result in the best tunes. Whoever got the Gameboy sound hardware to create this music deserves a medal.

    I was lucky enough to find a second hand fully boxed copy in the late 90's in a local indie games store. I recommend anyone who's a fan of the series to pick this up if they haven't already. The GB versions of the games are often overlooked (with good reason you might argue - the first and third games are godawful) but this is the exception.

    Does no one remember this awesome game??


      Don't have a gameboy anymore but that looks quite good. How does it compare to the NES games?


        Gameplay-wise, it's closest to the original Castlevania and the third game. The big difference with this game is that you can pick from four stages at the start and you can tackle them in whichever order you wish.

        One of the best changes is the removal of staircases, so there's no annoying deaths caused by not being able to jump off them!


          To put Duddy out of his misery, I can confirm that I have got this game - and yes it is magnificent when you compare it to the utterly crap original for GB - unfortunately my "copy" is on one of those dodgy pirate carts with a hundred games on there - still - I don't care - it is a quality little game and if I saw a stand-alone copy for sale, I would happily buy the ****er.

          Might have a bash on said game when I get home - on the Super Game Boy, methinks.....


            Glad to see someone has really is a brilliant game, a proper action platformer that does exactly what it says on the tin.


              Ive hardly played any gameboy other than the release games & Mario 2, I need to sort this **** out get me some Castlevania & Metroid action.


                yeah ive got the game, my dad bought it back from japan when i was young and what they managed to pull out of the gb is amazing.

                the opening music will stay with me

                and remember



                  I've still got this it is a great game. I was never able to beat Dracula at the end though - it was too hard.


                    I've still got both the mono gb Castlevania's kicking around somwhere. They kept me sane during boarding school in the early 90's! Great games (apart from the lack of a save function in the first one.... grrrr!).

