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Anyone else have a FM Towns 1 PC?

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    Originally posted by Mqarkcambie
    I do see your point. But as far as PC's go its actually smaller than most mini towers.

    I guess the main reason I got it was to have a more "authentic" collection. I have got a marty coming soon for day to day stuff. But the marty is almost as bland and ugly as the xbox. At least this had some style.

    I'd rather show off a collection with the PC version than the marty. And I guess that's what I'm all about.
    Well, I can't fault that logic I guess I'm just envious as my house is small, and even with a dedicated games room I'd still have nowhere to fit it


      Ah ha! I've solved that problem. I only have an xbox, ps2, gamecube, neogeo CD, SNES, PC Engine and saturn at home and I stash the rest of the machines at work. You don't want to know how many machine's I've got at work (but if you do - I'll give you a list...)

      got any pictures of your gameroom? I love lookingat other peoples collecetions. it makes me feel slightly less insane.

      There is a great collection of game room pictures ont the website. well worth a look if your family is always on at you about your collection. You can say "at least I'm not as bad as these guys !".



        Originally posted by Baseley09
        Thats ****ing narly, im even too chicken to pop for a Marty.

        Way to go, whats your impressions of some games??
        After having seen one in a competition on the front of ACE mag (Or something like that) while I was at school I've been dewey eyed about them ever since, and it's taken me a good 15 years to get round to owning one. So even if the game stunk like a hookers hanky - 15 years is a lot of bias to build up.

        But from what I've seen so far, it really is the closest thing to having the arcade games without getting a supergun and the arcade PCB's.

        I've never been into beat'em'ups too much so my neogeo gathers a lot of dust, however I was into shoot'em'ups, platformers and the like, so it fits the bill well.


          01 02 03 04 05

          These were taken a few weeks ago, just before I stumbled across 40+ new Dreamcast titles, so that section looks a bit fuller now It's getting there, nowhere near as insane as some.

          Just need a picture or two on the wall and it's set

          [edit] of course, number 5 could do with rotating. However, I cannot be bothered.


            Starts getting a bit more exciting around pictures 3 and 4...

            Poor old C64c stuck on the shelf. I'd put that center stage
            Good effort! keep it up.


              The C64 is my girlfriend's, and only comes down whenever she wants to play it (about once every six months), so I keep it hidden away so my stuff can take pride of place

              Come the end of the year, that room should look a lot more impressive. I've got the furniture, the space and all that - I just need the fapping games now!

