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Mega CD Love

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    Eternal Champions is no different to the cart version, though, is it? Other than a pointlessly long and gory FMV intro and CD audio.


      Originally posted by anephric
      Eternal Champions is no different to the cart version, though, is it? Other than a pointlessly long and gory FMV intro and CD audio.
      People say the same about Jurassic Park on the the Mega CD. And just like that game, this is nothing like the cart.

      For a start there's 15 diff tournament modes, 4 different ways to finish off opponents, 13 new Characters, most of the fighting styles are based on real life martal arts like Kick boxing ect.
      Plus this has the best story to any fighter ever, and is one of the few MD games to use 256 colours on the screen.

      Trustme, this is nothing like the MD version, and is one of the best 2D fighters ever made


        Originally posted by Team Andromeda
        and is one of the few MD games to use 256 colours on the screen.
        You'd be hard pressed to notice though. I always thought it looked grainy and well, **** .



          Aha! Can't say I noticed when I emu'ed it. Oh well.


            Originally posted by Yakumo
            You'd be hard pressed to notice though. I always thought it looked grainy and well, **** .

            though I thought the same with Ranger X which used 128 colour on screen. Where as to me games like Streets of Rage II looked like thier had more colours on screen.

            For me Batman Returns made the best use of the MD limited colour pallet. On the 3rd driving level the colour use is the best I've seen on the MD


              yeah, Ranger X also looked grainy. Streets Of Rage 2 looks far more colourful. Oh and let's not forget the very early Magical Hat ! That's still very colourful to this very day.



                eternal champions felt a more complete game there was some far more fancy combos that could be done to i also liked the amount of fatalitys that could be done
                Last edited by eastyy; 22-06-2005, 15:13.


                  Techie noob questions, but what the hey (and apologies if this is covered elsewhere)

                  Is it possible to run PAL discs on an Japanese MegaCD by hacking the boot sector with some nifty programme from the internet. I'm aware of scdconv.exe, but reading the readme that comes with it it doesn't do xxx to Japanese conversions.


                    I just get JPN MegaCD...


                      Err yeah I have one of those, but I only have PAL games.

                      PAL games + Japanese MegaCD = >_<

                      I know you can region mod the games to play outside their region, I was just wondering if it's possible to convert from EU to Japan using something like scdconv.exe?


                        The best way is to make a back up of your PAL game and change the code to JPN using the Mega CD ISO Patcher.



                          Ta love,

                          I'll google that when I get a chance.

