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Some PC Engine advice needed please

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    Some PC Engine advice needed please

    Having sampled a few games via emulation, I've decided I want a Japanese PC Engine - problem being I know nowt about them.

    There seem to be different types of machine - cards, CDs etc; what should I be going for console wise & how much should I be looking to pay?

    Any hints, tips, advice much appreciated


    Get a Duo. There are 3 different models of Duo - the black original, the R, and the RX. The R/RX have white casings and look damn sexy. This'll allow you to play all HuCards and all CD/SuperCD games (i.e - nearly every PCE game).

    There are many, many options but this really is the easiest all-in-one package. Don't bother with a SuperGraphx unless you're really bothered about the 5 SGX only games. There are a few Arcade CD games that will require an Arcade card Duo system card. But these are mainly SNK conversions. Cross that bridge when you come to it (if you want any of those games).

    And that's about it. Oh, and I would recommend the RGB mod. There's a lass on Ebay UK called p.c.engine who sells (guess what...) PCEs and does rather nice, cheap RGB mods.

    EDIT: Forgot to say the only real difference between the R/RX other than the logo being in a different place etc. is the RX has a 6 button pad as standard.

    Random thought: Maybe it is possible to have the ultimate PCE set-up, if you could interface a SGX with a Laseractive. Then you'd be able to play all HuCards, Super HuCards, all CD games (need AC still) and the few Super LD-Rom2 games.
    Last edited by m0nk3y; 28-06-2005, 09:09.


      Deleted so certain members don't get upset
      Last edited by Strider; 28-06-2005, 11:02.


        Originally posted by Strider
        This one looks like a good package to go for
        Just about to link that!

        Looks good. Gonna be ?100++



          I thought ebay pimping wasn't allowed??

          (and you can get nearly new boxed complete duos for ?100 anyway)


            Originally posted by wheelaa
            I thought ebay pimping wasn't allowed??

            (and you can get nearly new boxed complete duos for ?100 anyway)
            Last edited by Strider; 28-06-2005, 11:32.


              Originally posted by wheelaa
              I thought ebay pimping wasn't allowed??
              Oh didn't know about the ebay thing, thanks for the tip. I nearly posted a link myself. Where should he get one from then dude?


                Originally posted by Strider
                Someone's still bitter... And besides it's not pimping, it was going up anyway...
                Ahhhhh I see. It was YOUR item! You pimp!


                  Originally posted by capcom_suicide
                  Oh didn't know about the ebay thing, thanks for the tip. I nearly posted a link myself. Where should he get one from then dude?
                  he's referring to the fact that it's my machine. If you had linked it there wouldn't be a problem...

                  I've deleted the offensive post...
                  Last edited by Strider; 28-06-2005, 11:02.





                      Linking to your sales on eBay isn't allowed on here.


                        Strider - didn't you buy that off Superfamifreak the other month? Not bored of it already are you?

                        As many have already mentioned, get a Duo. It's the machine that allows you to experience the best the PCE world has to offer. I've got a Duo-RX (but it came without the six button pad, so it might as well have been a Duo-R) and it ranks as one of the sexist consoles ever made. Plus the games aren't bad either!


                          Originally posted by MartyG
                          Linking to your sales on eBay isn't allowed on here.
                          Duly noted mate and apologies for the offending link.


                            Originally posted by Duddyroar
                            Strider - didn't you buy that off Superfamifreak the other month? Not bored of it already are you?
                            Yes mate, that's the one. I bought it for a photo shoot and to be honest, Now I've played most of the good games (Castlevania etc) I'm bored (I get bored of things very, very quickly.


                              You're not joking. I bought my RX about 6 months ago (the first PC Engine kit I've ever owned) and I still get a lovely warm spready feeling in my pants every time I gaze upon it...

