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[solved] So I've bought this 3D analogue Saturn pad...

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    [solved] So I've bought this 3D analogue Saturn pad...

    ...and the L shoulder button doesn't seem to work. Now, I haven't tried opening the thing yet, so until I do I won't know for sure, but is there anything I can do about this? Is this usually fixable? Or should I return it and try and get a refund? (eBay seller and refund, har har yes I know I'll have trouble )
    Last edited by chis; 22-07-2005, 17:21. Reason: Problem solved.

    The right shoulder button went on mine, i cant open the bugger, the screw holes seem at some dodgy angle can't get the glasses screw driver down there:/


      Very helpful!

      I've opened mine now, and what do I find between the main board and the L/R triggers? Ribbon cables. Oh they LOOK fine, but what's the betting the L one has a-buggered? I certainly can't see any burning or obviously broken connections on any of the circuit boards here...


        get yourself a voltmeter, set it to stun, and poke away...


          Done that. Wasn't the problem.

          Both triggers have small round magnets in them. The little circuit boards near the triggers measure the position of the magnet and send the appropriate signals to the Saturn. The magnet in the L trigger had come out. Only worked this out AFTER testing those ribbon cables for ages.


            yeah i brought one from gamestation a couple of years ago and only found out a year later that the right shoulder button didn't work while using it for burning rangers, what did i do? well i sold to gamestation of course got ?40 for it (boxed with nights) why don't you try doing the same?


              ... well, I'm still debating that. The thing is - perhaps I didn't allude to this in my last post - I managed to fix it. The missing magnet was stuck to the outside of the OTHER trigger button. I thought it was supposed to be there, initially. Put it back in the "broken" trigger, and that fixed it. You have to get it the correct way around though...

