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keep your 3D, give me some 2D fighters

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    keep your 3D, give me some 2D fighters

    You can keep your tekkens, virtua fighters,soulcaliburs, and DoAs because nothing touches upon the greatness of a good 2D fighter. Without the limitations that 3D gives in the world of 2D fighters everything is possible, detailed backgrounds? yes, over the top moves? yes, worlds most cheapest bosses? yes, it all there. There is something that 2D fighters give us that no other genre (shooter maybe the exception) and that is satisfying our gaming fix with a quick half an hour hit, brilliant.

    Eveytime i play a neo and stick on mark of the wolves or kof 99, or when i turn on my saturn and have a go of xmen v streetfighter or sf zero 3 the magic that gaming brings is there ready to satisfy my brutal cammy beating needs. But then i feel sadness that this is a genre in decline, when was the last time the once kings of 2D fighters capcom given us a worthy sequal to their famous streetfighter series, is snk's direction with maximum impact a sign of things to come? i'm not insulting 3D fighters but both 2D and 3D fighters offer different experiances and both deserve recognition as seperate genres as 3D fighters isn't an evolution of 2D fighters. I'm going to have a game of saturn sf zero 3 and hope that 2D fighters will have a rebirth not to be forgotten in the next generation, and capcom please give us more streetfighter (zero 4 anyone?)

    Any way no time for remorse and hope this is a thread to remember those great 2D fighters

    Totally with you. The only 3D fighters I've ever really got on with are Soul Edge and Soul Calibur, but every other one I've ever played just doesn't feel right to me.

    Maybe it's because I was raised on Street Fighter II, but 2D feels so much more fluid and natural to play than 3D.

    I think Street Fighter Zero 2 is probably my favorite one at the moment. 3 is good and all, but everything - characters, music, gameplay - on 2 just feels so right!
    Last edited by nekroxide; 05-08-2005, 22:14.


      Originally posted by muse hunter
      when was the last time the once kings of 2D fighters capcom given us a worthy sequal to their famous streetfighter series,
      Street Fighter 3 third strike. Although in some people's eyes it's not as good as SF2, I find it to be a very different, but very worthy sequel.


        yeah, with you all on this one. love my streetfighters, love having them running on MAME with my Powerbook hooked up to the TV

        ohhh, another wasted saturday.


          There are quite a few 2D fighters I like- but if I had to take 3 too my Desert Island it would be: SFA3-SSF2T and SF3DI.

          I like quite a few of the Neo Geo fighters and other stuff like Guilty Gear- but the Street Fighter series destroys everything else for style and playability imo!

          My favourite Street Fighter! I am still praying for SFA4


            Originally posted by muse hunter
            ...yes, worlds most cheapest bosses? ...
            Jinpachi might have a thing or two to say about that.


              Originally posted by Kizzycrew
              Street Fighter 3 third strike. Although in some people's eyes it's not as good as SF2, I find it to be a very different, but very worthy sequel.
              Third Strike is superior to SF2 in every possible way, I'm talkin Ps2/xbox version as they are better than the DC one. That, and SFA3 are imo the best 2d fighters ever made. I'm currently deep into SFA3 saturn, mastering those infinite Crouch Cancels (My current record is 55 hits).

              Very, Very good non Capcom fighters are Garou: MOTW, KOF2k and Last Blade 2. And Jinpachi might be slightly cheap.. he is nowhere near Igniz, Akuma (SSF2T/DI), Gill, Krizalid or Kain.


                Depends what you get out of games in general, let alone fighters me thinks.

                I'd like to think i could contribute something people could get behind here, but personal taste seems almost alienated.

                For me, Alpha/Zero 3 is the worst in the series, and I don't like the SF3 games in general............ive not played 3rd Strike which is lorded by a lot.


                  Street Fighter 3 Double Impact on the Dreamcast is a top game. I prefer the stages-music and the gameplay compared to 3rd Strike. I don't like many of the characters in strike- and it's all a bit too hardcore imo!

                  Last edited by Leon Retro; 07-08-2005, 04:36.


                    not enough mention of the neo fighters here, they may be much more hardcore than the streetfighter games but its impossible not to love them. Mark of the wolves is one of my favourites, it does play more like street fighter than most other neo fighters which isn't a bad thing. Great animation, great music, great gameplay, one of the best fighters ever made, it was a really sad day when i had to give it up when i sold my neo, but i will get it back once i get a bit more money. Worthwhile mention should go to waku waku 7, kabuki klash, last blade, and real bout 2 all top fighters.


                      Real Bout Special, Samurai Shodown 2 & KOF'96 best for me there. Could never dig MOTW, had really bad fonts.


                        Originally posted by Baseley09
                        Real Bout Special, Samurai Shodown 2 & KOF'96 best for me there. Could never dig MOTW, had really bad fonts.
                        There are quite a few people who don't like motw no games is going to be liked by everyone. When it comes to neo fighters i can't get into i would say art of fighting series as well the samuria showdown series (although i've only played 1-3 so far). I know both are great games but i just don't feel anything from them most probably because i suck at those games. I 've been looking into other fighters lately and want know what anyone thinks of groove on fight?


                          Jesus - I love 2D fighting games. My faves:

                          KOF 96 & 99
                          Street Fighter Alpha 2
                          Guilty Gear X
                          Capcom vs SNK
                          Samurai Shodown 2

                          I love all of my fighters - I must have about 30 or 40 now - scary.


                            Garou mark of the wolves Awesome fighter quite a bit of depth to though i think the TOP system is just a gimmick

                            Guilty gear x2 really showed how good a 2d fighter could look (i hope capcom payed attention) plays well to

                            Rumble fish a surprisingly good fighter considering it was made by dimps (of dragonball z budokai fame) looks good and plays well hopefully the sequel improves on it

                            Last blade 1+2 a great fighter has everything looks/combos/balanced characters and a very good deflecting/parry system.Wish the ps2 collection would hurry up and be released

                            Killer instinct 1 and 2 Graphics are 3d but gameplay is 2d.I love this game but i do agree its the marmite of the 2d fighters some people hate it other people love it but i love combos therefore i love these games.

                            Ninja masters A very addictive game the combat just feels right also tons of combo potential

                            Rage of the dragons In style and looks it just felt a step up from previous neo geo games.Tag teaming supermoves and combos just looked so cool (hope they do that for the next Kof game).

                            Matrimelee Along with rage of the dragons another game which felt different to previous neo geo games (awesome music to).

                            Melty blood while i feel it does have a slight unfinished feel.This is still a great game been quite a while since i really had to learn the mechanics of a 2D fighter.

                            Samurai shodown 3 and 4 Bought this for the sega saturn its amazing when you consider its on a neo geo and compare it to shodown 1 and 2.Shame SSV was not much cop.

                            The one i am looking forward to though is Fist of the north star by Arc systems (who did guilty gear x) if that does not rock i will be very unhappy

                            i love king of fighters/streetfighter/and the versus series.But i am just getting a big fed up with the same old characters and reused sprites.Though i would still like it if they did a update of super streetfighter 2 turbo but with streetfighter 3 graphics.I also would like a KOF game with animation/sprites of at LEAST garou mark of the wolves quality.
                            Last edited by eastyy; 07-08-2005, 23:45.


                              Originally posted by eastyy
                              The one i am looking forward to though is Fist of the north star by Arc systems (who did guilty gear x) if that does not rock i will be very unhappy
                              As soon as you get shots of this promising titles- please post them!


