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Classic Game: Dynamite Duke (Megadrive)

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    Classic Game: Dynamite Duke (Megadrive)

    Forgive me for posting up two of these topics in one day - but the Retro forum does seem to be pretty quiet these days.

    This was my fave arcade machine in the early 90's and needless to say I was a very happy chappy when I heard it was being ported to my shiny new Megadrive. The conversion is pretty close, too. As a game it's as shallow as a puddle and can be finished in a day, but it's still amazingly playable even today. The music is excellent as well - it brings back very happy memories for me!

    Often ignored as an Operation Wolf clone, Dynamite Duke is in fact closer to SNK's Crossed Swords in that your character is visable on screen, and this gives you the chance to avoid bullets and even engage in hand-to-hand combat. 'Duke' is able to string together uppercuts and hooks all over the place - however this feature is only of any use during the boss battles as no other enemies get close enough for you to bop 'em. Duke also has a 'mega punch' which clears the screen like a smart bomb. For everything else, there's Duke's trusty SMG which can be upgraded for a limited time by collecting certain power-ups (shotgun, rapid fire, etc). It also has limited ammo so that needs to be collected along the way too.

    Cool arcade flyer:

    Quality game - although my favourites of this genre would have to be Cabal and the magnificent Nam 1975.

    Keep posting stuff though Duddy - it is better reading about retro things like this than some generic, gritty next gen titles.



      Awsome, better than Super Spy!


        Bloody classic this game, reminds me a lot of Nam 1975


          I experienced NAM 1975 quite a while after Duke (got it free with my now-departed AES system in 2001) and you're quite right, the two play very much the same. NAM gives you a bit more space to move in, thanks to the smaller player sprite, which opens up the game a bit. However the close-quarters combat in Duke is brilliant - I wish they'd have made more of it.

