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Remove yellowing from carts

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    Remove yellowing from carts

    Any of you have any experience with removing the yellowing from old (snes) carts? Wondered if there were solvents available that could make a yellowed cart look like new.

    I don't think you can do it, afaik it's something to do how heat and air react with the chemicals used in the plastic, same as with the system itself.
    You might be able to try a vinyl dye, as that doesn't paint over the top of the plastic, it actually soaks in and dyes the plastic itself. Apparently they're quite expensive and don't come in many colours though.


      It sounds a bit strange, but I've found toothpaste to work quite well. I've just used regular colgate stuff, but it can do a great job, as it's a very mild abraisive.

      To be fair, I've never owned anything that's yellowed significantly, but it can't hurt. I just rub on a little of it dry, then wet my finger or a cloth, and just keep going at it until it's all gone.

      Here's my Super Famicom as an Example of how well it can work.


        on progams like "How Clean is your House" they harp on about white vinegar removing limescale etc etc, must be worth a try but don't call Claims Direct if it goes tits up !


          Originally posted by andrewfee
          Will it make my US SNES look not crap?
          Really though, that's a big surprise, it looks just like new. Was it very yellow to begin with?

          I was going to add too, with regard to vinyl dye, I'm not sure what it'll do to your labels if it soaks through to them.


            It wasn't very yellow, but it was nowhere near this good.

            It can't hurt to try using it.


              I tried the toothbrush method with Colgate Blue Minty Gel and a Braun Oral-B 3D Plak Control and that doesnt seem to help much. Might grab some whitening toothpaste since that's supposed to sand a bit. I'll keep you guys posted.


                Hmm, I was under the impression once it'd yellowed then there was no going back. I'm gonna try that toothpaste trick on my US SNES, though! The bottom half's gone off a bit but the rest is fine. Looks like it's been sitting in piss and soaked it up


                  I'm going to give the toothpaste thing a go in a minute. I have some of the bicarbonate of soda whitening stuff, which hopefully should work. I'm a bit scared of everything smelling overly minty though. Hmmmm...SNES carts for sale...minty mint!

                  edit - just tried it with a very yellow old SNES. No effect, sadly. Maybe I need a different type of toothpaste. I imagine the smoker's stuff might be good.
                  Last edited by stoofle; 25-08-2005, 20:29.


                    check this out...


                      I used to have a box of these IBM cleaning stick things that took the yellowness rite off anything i used them on an old monitor. Ive had a look on the net and cant find them anywhere. Oh well not much help there.


                        Originally posted by stoofle
                        edit - just tried it with a very yellow old SNES. No effect, sadly. Maybe I need a different type of toothpaste. I imagine the smoker's stuff might be good.
                        I'm thinking you have to use it neat out of the tube i.e. not watered down and also give it a good brushing in and leave it for a while to do it's work before rinsing it off. Don't know though, that's just a guess.
                        Also, nothing wrong with your SNES smelling minty

                        lol at Schweino's Minty Blue Gel.


                          The method on that link seemed to work a treat! May have to give it a whirl myself.


                            I've got a white saturn here that could use a bleaching
                            Cheers for the link dj898 ^_^


                              no worrires mate!

