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Golden Axe 3 - Pal release??

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    Golden Axe 3 - Pal release??

    Did this ever get a pal release? I only ask as someone has just mentioned to me that it did get a limited release of 100 pieces. This person claims to have a copy but as is the norm in these situations won't provide a picture (like a certain Rolling Thunder 3 claim iirc). So..BS, yay or nay? Personally I think yay.

    If he/she won't provide a picture then it's probably rubbish.
    Just like, you know, the kids at middle school who said they had a Street Fighter 2 arcade at home but never let you come around to play it, or the ones at high school who said they had a NeoGeo but that you battered every time at Fatal Fury down the video shop.


      My thoughts exactly. (although bizarrely enough a kid at school did have an sf2 cab..his dad was an arcade supplier)


        I wouldn't believe that for a second. Just think of the costs invlolved in doing a run of just 100 units, it's ludicrous.


          I know that..but the whole LE crap was being spun. I told him i thought he was talking crap, but best to check with the experts.


            I'm 99% sure that i borrowed GA3 off my friend when I was a kid...looking on eBay though I think it was probably 2. So actually make that 5% sure!
            Last edited by radio; 25-08-2005, 16:46.


              Originally posted by wheelaa
              Did this ever get a pal release? I only ask as someone has just mentioned to me that it did get a limited release of 100 pieces. This person claims to have a copy but as is the norm in these situations won't provide a picture (like a certain Rolling Thunder 3 claim iirc). So..BS, yay or nay? Personally I think yay.
              Well i got the Jap Version some years ago,never heard of a US or PAL release,so yeah they are talking bollocks ! LMAO


                there are pal copies, as it was - at least here in sweden - released as a rental-only. I remember renting it with a friend...

                (and yes, this is my first post here, after some time of lurking, hi everyone )


                  Their is an Asian verision which is probably in full English, manual etc.


                    In the UK you could only play Golden Axe 3 via that Sega Cable network thing.



                      I've got a pal format cartidge of the game but I suspect it to be more something like "made in taiwan" than "made in japan".
                      The game was sold unboxed.


                        In the UK you could only play Golden Axe 3 via that Sega Cable network thing
                        Was the cable network ever released in the UK?

                        As far as I know GA3 was never released in PAL format. Some confusion might be caused by the massive number of pirate copies that came in the standard Euro cartridges (I have a copy myself, purchased from someone who got it when they lived in South Africa).


                          Originally posted by Duddyroar
                          Was the cable network ever released in the UK?.
                          Yes, half of Liverpool had access to it via Radio and Wireless or Telewest or what ever the company was called back then. My friend had the Sega Channel which did indeed have Golden Axe 3 on it. They made it out to be a big deal since it was unavailable to buy in shops.



                            The mind boggles...


                              As Baseley said, a PAL version was released in Hong Kong, albeit on a Japanese-shaped cart - there's been a steady flow of them on eBay for a while. I'd imagine that any on western-shaped carts are bootlegs.

                              Interesting to hear about the UK Sega Channel - I never had any idea that it made it over here. Do you know what the modem adaptor was like, Yakumo? IIRC, there were two different versions released in the US.
                              Also, can you remember if there were any other games available that didn't make it to shelves over here?

