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Hybrid Heaven (N64)

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    Hybrid Heaven (N64)

    Just a bit of thought on this one, as I thought it at the time it was released (as Schweino may well recall) and having looked at it again the other day I still think it.
    HH was done by Konami. It contains political themes and guns and all that sort of caper, as well as an interesting turn-based close-up battle engine.
    My opinion was/is that Hybrid Heaven may have been borne out of attempts to develop a version of Metal Gear Solid for the N64 (without speech though, obviously) but at some early point decided that it wasn't going to be workable but didn't want to waste what they'd done, so decided to change it into HH instead.
    Does this sound plausible?

    Maybe it was more an evolution of Metal Gear, rather than a precursor to MGS?


      Never played MGS, but I sure loved HH. I'd like to believe they based the series 24 on this game


        Originally posted by babs
        Maybe it was more an evolution of Metal Gear, rather than a precursor to MGS?
        Possibly, it was released nearly a year later.
        I'd hardly call Hybrid Heaven evolved, it was a bit of a yawn for the most part, although for some reason I played through all of it and enjoyed it.
        Maybe it was some sort of MGS-related experiment.
        Iirc it wasn't developed by the same city team as MGS though, but I can't find any listings that show which team made it.

