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Tales of retro gaming: I built a 'Supergun'

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    Tales of retro gaming: I built a 'Supergun'

    Once upon a time...

    Haha, yes... even little old me with my shaky hands and poor soldering skillz (I'm amazed that some of the hardware I've modified before still works properly, but that's another story...)

    So anyway, I post loads over on rllmuk and was a few 'I want a supergun', 'how do I build a supergun', 'jamma test rig' kind of posts. One of the fella's over there prompted me to look around in the web archives for Chad Gray's supergun webpages; an excellent resource that has been collected up and put into a word document for general browsing, etc... I won't link it here but massive thanks to roberthazelby for doing the work and saving it before it was lost all together.

    There are other resources out there but none as good as Chad's for really basic stuff, lots of hand holding so I put together a basic shopping list, bought some bits from Maplin, picked up a pre-wired (ha!) JAMMA connector off eBay then fired up the soldering iron and set to work...

    Ahh, humble beginnings. I nicked the PSU from an old PC I had and hooked it up to a piece of strip board. Fuses to be nice and safe (and, touch wood, they haven't blown yet!).

    Chad's document has a nice connector for the video lead so you could potentially hook anything up to it (e.g. a VGA connector) but me? Nah, I hacked away at a SCART lead (again, just something I had lying around) and wired it straight onto the bored

    Nice, huh? Well, no... 'cos it didn't work properly

    Master Yod@ was there to lend a hand (also built a really nice test rig too!) and with a bit of extra effort (i.e. some berk hadn't wired it all up properly )... I had a decent picture!

    Wiring some nice switches to the board gave me the ability to 'put coins in' and start the game. Next were the controllers. I have a pile of controllers, anything would have done but I went for the obvious Neo-Geo (OK, Il Postino? ) stick/pad 'cos they're 'hardcore'.

    And you know what? It works great...

    And the sad little geeky gamer lived happily ever after, hunting for PCB and MVS games on eBay...

    Next time, children, I'll tell you about the great hunt for a decent case

    One of many original threads here. Reason I posted? There was talk a while ago about building a supergun on NTSC-uk, with MD (I think...) writing an article. Well, with some research and a bit of effort/cash (about a day overall, roughly ?30 for the bits) I've gone and got done it. Now it's your turn
    Last edited by Commander Marklar; 04-10-2005, 10:50.

    World Rally ownz


      Top work mate

      I've got a homemade supergun too. Sadly I didn't make it myself as I'm a cackhanded solderfearing fool. It was done by an electrician though so all is good, except the case which is some chunky plastic item that looks like an oversized ice cream tub (its big).


        Great to see things worked out well. World Rally is a fantastic game too- and the picture on your t.v looks perfect- good job!


          Mentioning chad gray brought back memories - i found the site back in 2000 and made one

          Was a great project.



            Almost done...


              Good grief, I felt quite smug when I changed the blown fuse in my Super Famicom.

              Top work.


                To think I'm too scared to mod my DC stick so it'll also work on the PS2. Impressive.

