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    Originally posted by ikobo View Post
    But let's be honest here, you're doing it purely because you want to profit as much as possible on something you found cheap in a shop, it's been glaringly apparent in your posts. I haven't got an issue with you doing it, or with the idiot who may buy it down the line purchasing it, but let's not flower it up with any kind of justification for why it's a good thing.

    Originally posted by kyo_244 View Post
    And Ikobo, I think this is the first time you've probably ever replied to a post I wrote.. so thanks for the personal attack.. nice touch
    I really don't see where there is a personal attack in my post. I've highlighted the part in which I refer to you.

    EDIT: And I hadn't read everything else that came after that, let's calm it down folks.


      Originally posted by Mayhem View Post
      Do enlighten us!


        Please make sure there are no personal attacks here. Fine to attack VGA or whatever, but careful it doesn't transfer over to board members. Thanks.

        Meanwhile, I'm going to start a new company. VGAG.
        What I do is I get VGA graded items and I grade their grading. VGAGrading innit. Then you will know if you have been ripped off or if they gave you the right grade.


          Shouldn't that be the VGAGA? You need authority to grade you see.


            You'd need the VGAGAA to give you authority for that Colin.
            Kept you waiting, huh?


              My frivolous point masked a serious point. When this chap started up, I presume he had a basic knowledge of videogames and how to google, but was by no means an "authority". However, I imagine with the amount of stuff that has passed across his desk, he actually IS now an authority (on how good a condition things are in). So anyone getting their stuff graded at the start will probably be wildly different to the grading he gives out now. Consistency is probably now quite good.

              Still think that sealing a sealed item is tragic though


                Originally posted by dvdx2 View Post
                Do enlighten us!
                Lie with passion and be forever damned...


                  US$1,875..... Was that you?

                  I've got a copy of that in the loft. You could have had it for free - I don't need it any more.


                    Originally posted by kyo_244 View Post
                    I don't understand all this VGA hate honestly.. I mean nobody is forcing you to buy a sealed game.. but If I had a sealed copy of say Super Mario Bros 3.. which I already own (loose cart) I would absolutely get it graded because that game means alot to me..
                    So you'd pay for some guy to give a sealed game a condition rating? REALLY?

                    Originally posted by kyo_244 View Post
                    How is this any different to the comic collecting community where an untouched sealed copy of amazing fantasy could fetch thousands.. ??
                    There is a slight difference between comics that are 50 years old and a mass produced video game that is still easier to pick up than a Geordie lass on a night out.

                    Originally posted by J0e Musashi View Post
                    How can a brand new sealed game only achieve 90%? Surely it'd be 100% being that it's untouched by human hands.
                    That's what you'd think.

                    Originally posted by kyo_244 View Post
                    If people are buying them, and paying the extra cash.. then its not really artificial is it? It means that people genuinly value them more after being graded.. otherwise they just wouldn't sell right?
                    No, it just means there are too many twats with more money than brain cells.

                    Sealed Game Heaven...... Seriously? What a bunch of dickheads.

                    I can imagine it now. 'Look, my e-peen is bigger than yours because I paid ?30 to get this brand new run of the mill PS3 game graded and immediately bung it on ebay for ?300'

                    Mother ****ing LOL.

                    I think I'll stick to my free PS+ copy


                      Originally posted by charlesr View Post
                      US$1,875..... Was that you?
                      No, not that one, mine is complete heh...
                      Lie with passion and be forever damned...


                        Why is every Amstrad Mega PC that gets listed on eBay listed with a ?250 - ?300 BIN? Is this some kind of magic number that every owner has in their head?

                        They never sell


                          So say you buy a brand new release at launch, and get it VGA'd; would you get a 100% rating?
                          Kept you waiting, huh?




                              This is why people laugh at us.
                              Kept you waiting, huh?

