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Calling all PAL DC owners

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    Yeah, mine too... I try and avoid it where ever possible. Can't use it for long with driving games either; the triggers are too thin and 'sharp'. I can't think of a good driving game on the Dreamcast that isn't better with a wheel so it is all good.

    Rez - I use my Saturn controller. You could always use a mouse


      On saying that, I can't play Toy Commander on anything BUT an official pad


        Originally posted by Commander Marklar
        Yeah, mine too... I try and avoid it where ever possible. Can't use it for long with driving games either; the triggers are too thin and 'sharp'. .
        I've tried but I can't play Sega Rally II, without the D-Pad onthe Dreacast pad its next to impossible onthe wheel for me. Such a diff story to F355 or Daytona USA onthe Wheel


          I don't have any problem with the official DC pad apart from Shenmue, where moving Ryo's head about and his body at the same time is fairly cumbersome.


            I liken the DC pad to the GC pad in that it's conceptually a decent idea, but the execution doesn't achieve what they intended.

            It was designed from the start to be simplified, as people supposedly found a 6-button setup too confusing (the hell?). Ultimately, it resulted in hand cramps, mediocre D-Pad making it useless for 2D games, single analogue stick making it less than ideal for 3D games, it's saving grace was the analogue triggers, which the PS2 doesn't have and imo crippled racers on the PS2 because of it.


              Interesting you should say that. I found the analogue pads on the DC to be similar to those of the Xbox - simply too heavy when you have to use them Track and Field stylee.

              As for the analogue stick... I actually prefer it to the PS2 one (which along with the N64 stick -good to begin with, but inaccurate when it wears down after a few months - is the worst I've used on a mainstream console pad).

              I'll agree with you on the d-pad though. It was pretty poor for control. I'll also say that yes, the pad was too bulky. The reason I didn't have a problem with that is because I have long fingers, I could wrap them easily around it.


                The 'stick would have been better placed where the pad is as it's central to one's grip then rather than extending your thumb. Would have solved all the aching thumb problem I get when playing but still, OT.


                  Last PAL game released was Freestyle Scooter. It was released the week after the 4 bigben titles mentioned in the first post.



                    I find the biggest problem is the triggers. They hurt my fingers after a while. Also they aren't placed right. I tend to use my index finger on the right hand but my second finger on the left hand. The xbox controller s is an evolution of this pad and the triggers are much better. The d-pad on the dreamcast controller is also quite bad and can kill my thumb. I don't know why Sega went for the cross design rather than their traditional round d-pad


                      RichM your wrong, as stated earlier its heavy metal geomatrix a spawn/outrigger like game. The pal version is edited to death, whilst the jap version remained faithful. However i also heard the pal version had something the jap one didnt. Well thats what i was told by some guy i used to know. But heavy metal was the last title as i was in HMV when they sold the last batch of DC games.



                        S3M is any of the Dreamcast info over at Assembler of any use to you?


                          Originally posted by 112
                          RichM your wrong, as stated earlier its heavy metal geomatrix a spawn/outrigger like game. The pal version is edited to death, whilst the jap version remained faithful. However i also heard the pal version had something the jap one didnt. Well thats what i was told by some guy i used to know. But heavy metal was the last title as i was in HMV when they sold the last batch of DC games.

                          I bought all of the last bunch of games on day of release as support for the system. I deff bought Heavy Metal a week before scooter.


                            Originally posted by Kubrick
                            Loads. Same for Saturn too. For me, the dedicated controllers is a big part of what makes Sega consoles great.
                            Very interesting, thanks for the link, I didn't realise how many dedicated controllers they made. I have got to get me one of those ascii fighting pads.

                            vertigo, I have seen that website before, but it might be worth mentioning the Dreamcast development kits in the FAQ.

                            RichM, I know Freestyle Scooter was one of the last games to be released but I remember it coming out awhile before the Bigben games.


                              I asked a similar question on another thread but there seems to be some technically knowledgeable dudes here. Why would my PAL DC not work (blank screen) with PAL games 60Hz options and similarly not play NTSC games when using DC X Change disc (RGB SCART connections) on my new TV which is fully NTSC playback capable? I thought it might be a problem with the selection of the correct TV colour system, set automatically, but even when I swapped it to NTSC manually, no joy.

                              Same TV with PSOne + PS-X Change and chipped XBox there is absolutely no problem and the same DC set up works fine with all my other NTSC capable TVs.

                              Any explanation appreciated.


                                Either the cable's not in properly or it's bust (loose wire methinks). It definitely is an RGB scart cable?

