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2 player X-Arcade Review

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    2 player X-Arcade Review

    Hi everyone,
    Firstly - before anyone shoots me down in flames for posting on the worong Discussion thread - i'm a complete n00b to all this (in fact this is my first online review of anything ever lol!), anyway here goes,

    I ordered this behemoth from e-buyer last week (who kindly decided to deliver a week early instead of next Wednesday - cheers guys ) after signing up to NTSC-UK and posting a link to it in the bargains thread.

    All I can say is that this thing, this item of plastic, MDF and metally springy bits has re-awakened my passion for my collection of MAME roms like nothing else has in the past 5-6 years. I'm quite a critical, pernickety old codger when it comes to build quality but this thing really is built like a brick s**thouse (if not better). The one thing I thought about last night whilst I tested it wasn't the microswitched responsiveness or the smooth control of the joystick, the ease of setup or the lack of USB lag - it was this - my love of gaming has returned, man I feel like I was playing with Jesus's golden balls of fire...

    If anyone has any doubts about buying this go ofr the one player version lol... No seriously it really does bring back the memories of standing in a dingy arcade in Birmingham (was called Dayvilles Ice cream parlour on New Street I think) and watching preposterously medallioned black and asian guys kicking the s**t out of each other on Street fighter II and Rastan whilst we all stood round trying to act all grown up by buying packs of fags from the cigarette machinefor ?2 a pop.

    Look at it this way - if your feeling jaded about current games (and the expense involved) get yourself
    1) a mid range PC and decent flatscreen monitor if you don't already have one
    2) go to and follow their outstanding tweak guides to get rid of all the XP bloat, it really makes XP fly like hot marshmallows off a shovel.
    3) Buy the X-Arcade from
    4) Install MAME32fx and some classic ROMsets
    5) Tweak around plug in and enjoy!

    Trust me you'll never look back - It's that good (my stepson loves it too!).

    Happy New Year,

    ive got one myself, its good but the controls are slightly delayed, so pro gamers might want to give it a miss.

    also its now available from tk maxx for ?40!!!


      Originally posted by canuhavebabies
      ive got one myself, its good but the controls are slightly delayed, so pro gamers might want to give it a miss.

      also its now available from tk maxx for ?40!!!
      wheres tk maxx?? got a link?


        I could swear TK Maxx used to be a sportswear shop. Must have imagined that.


          that review doesnt tell us much but with lines like
          Originally posted by niftyifty
          - it was this - my love of gaming has returned, man I feel like I was playing with Jesus's golden balls of fire...
 doesnt have to! quality!


            Thanks for the comments Simoran1 lol! I'm not sure where that line came from... May be it had something to do with the fact that I was sitting in a god forsaken local government call centre speaking to crapsters moaning about how 'they' have to pay council tax - I told the last chap where he could shove it (politely!)...


              i fully understand this sentiment.

              i've got the usual collection of all current gen consoles and handhelds and clock up by far the most gaming hours on MAME with an X-Arcade.

              I know its not a perfect controller, its been mentioned it can be a bit 'laggy' and vague.

              thing is everybody is going on about small slices of gameing to fit in with people's schedules, what could be more perfect than having 6000 arcade coin grabbers at your disposal ?

              spent a year or two with mine now and m contemplating moving up to a custom cab or a slik stik type thing with a spinner, MAME addicition can be expensive but hell its worth it.

              another re-invigorated gamer.


                Hi Merf,
                I am glad you found it had the same effect - for me it distilled my love of classic arcade gaming pure and simple! I think in some ways it brought the 'soul' back to all those arcade rom files sitting on my computer ) (I've only got a handful of selected games before anyone starts getting all feisty!)

                I here what your saying about building an arcade MAME cab - that's also a dream of mine - there lotsa of sites detailing how fellow brothers and sisters have found the light at the end of the tunnel by builiding their own cab lol ;o)

                Anyway, nice to here from you and happy new year D

