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Dracula XX SFC aka Castlevania Vampires kiss

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    Dracula XX SFC aka Castlevania Vampires kiss

    Hi all, im thinking about getting Dracula XX for the sfc at some point, and i'd like to know whats 'wrong' with it? I know the pc engine version is better (but i dont have one) and there are diffrences between the two versions also. So why is it considered inferior to the pc engine game? What are the differences? And as i havnt played the pc engine game, is it really that bad? Thanks for any help.
    Last edited by SuperDanX; 17-01-2006, 06:51.

    Ive played them both and while I did actually enjoy it, the level design in the snes/sfc one is indeed a bit dull.

    I think the trouble is most people compare it to Rondo Of blood which is by all accounts spectacular, In comparison the snes one cant really stand up but On its own I would say its just about worth it, but then I would becuase I love all things castlevania.....

    Though It does say in that article that it fetches high prices now? or is that just the western releases?. Becuase if its about ?100 then youd better just ignore me....


      It's better than a lot of the other ****e found on the machine. Like the guy says the level design is a little mundane, but the soundtrack is superb, some pretty good graphics too.


        Heh. That reminds me, I must get around to writing part three of that Castlevania series...

        It's not a terrible game by any means - it's just painfully average. However it's not worth the prices currently being asked for a copy, IMO.


          Great read,

          They really hacked up Dracula X ? Rondo of Blood badly for the SNES, why did they rename it for the SNES out of interest?

          Also is it true the slowdown in Super Castlevania IV, US and UK release wasn't present in the Japanese release?


            I don't know how it is expensive here, when I was in Tokyo, I picked up the game mint and boxed for 1900 yen, and that was my second copy of the game, Yakumo got me a mintish version of the game for 2000 yen too.

            Honestly though, the game is nothing like the PC engine game and I don't know how it can be called a port considering the game is different.It's also garbage for a Castlevania game, buy the Pc engine game instead or the MD title.I just finished playing the original game on the FC disk system too, and that was really a special title.


              We all know CV4 is a fantastic title. When I received Vampires Kiss in 95 I was obviously going to judge it by the standard of no4, and in every department it disappointed.

              The animation is weak, especially on the enemies. Look at the skeleton sprites( which are a CV stalwart ) and see how poor they look and move compared to the best in the series. The whip function is very limited and unsatisfying too. The game is seriously lacking in ambience, the level design is boring, and everything is far too bland.

              I haven't played it for quite a while, but the only impressive thing I ever remember about it is the ' Flaming Background ' on the first level. When you consider how memorable nearly every part of CV4 is, it really shows how lacklustre VK is.

              Konami put no effort or heart in to the game, and really let down those hoping for a true snes follow-up to the mighty CV4!

              edit: If Treasure ever announce a true Castlevania 5 in collaboration with Konami, I will be over the moon!
              Last edited by Leon Retro; 18-01-2006, 02:33.


                If Treasure ever announce a true Castlevania 5 in collaboration with Konami, I will be over the moon!
                I'd die out of pure joy if that ever happened. Which means I'd never be able to play it.


                  Originally posted by S3M

                  Also is it true the slowdown in Super Castlevania IV, US and UK release wasn't present in the Japanese release?
                  Nope, the trademark Treasure slowdown is definately there.


                    According to Wikipedia, no significant Treasure employees had anything to do with Castlevania IV.


                      Hmmm, interesting according to this link from the end of the wiki somebody from Treasure did...

                      It certainly has that slowdown-for-no-real-reason feel to it, just like Contra Spirits.
                      Last edited by SharkSkin-Man; 18-01-2006, 08:09.


                        Originally posted by Duddyroar
                        I'd die out of pure joy if that ever happened. Which means I'd never be able to play it.
                        Last edited by VR46; 22-01-2006, 13:34.


                          The beginning of the first level with the BGM playing, which is actually better than the PC-Engine version IMO, is truly spectacular. However, after that, the game dies down significantly. But the game is worth getting for that one musical track.

                          Anyway, they should just make a port of Rondo for some system. It's a really good Castlevania game. The best "traditional" one.
                          Last edited by danholo; 18-01-2006, 18:33.


                            Aye I really like the SNES ver though sadly I've never had the oppertunity to play the PC Engine version as a stand alone game I think the ?11.99 I paid for a complete Vampires Kiss was perfectly reasonable and I've had alot of play out of it. It's not as good as Super CastleVania IV but it's still a damn nice game. I especially love the music in it.

                            If you can get it for a reasonable price there are far worse games you could buy, someone on the forums was selling the PAL cart for ?18 the other day and the NTSC versions seem to peak at around ?30 complete anyway.

