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something that's been bugging me for quite some time.

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    something that's been bugging me for quite some time.

    Over the last year I've heard many complaints about people such as my self who buy retro games in Japan then sell it in the west. These comments are always aimed towards that we make some sort of killing on every item we sell and that we are ripping people off. I normally say **** it and just ignore such stupid crap but today I decided to post a picture to prove that the big name games in Japan aren't as cheap as people "know" they are. Just take a look at this !! Radiant Silvergun for 25000 yen !! That's 120 GBP / 175 Euros / 213 USD. This picture was taken on the 29th January 2006

    So next time you want to complain about so called inflated prices on retro games, think back to this picture. True that this Radiant Silvergun is a bit more expensive than what it normally costs in Japan but not that much more.

    Rant over.


    Getting a bit boring these poor old me threads mate.


      Great etc

      As long as you stop jumping in peoples threads with "but in Japan I can get this cheap cheaper etc..."


        Where's MD when you need him


          OMG thats soooo cheap (^_^) curse you i knew you were hiking up the price (just kidding)

          Somer people expect everything for next to nothing, at the end of the day if a price seems fair to me i'll pay with no fuss but if i think its a piss take i'll see if i can haggle.

          Its not like your running an official buisness, its a hobby you do in your spare time, why should you sell everything at cost. Hell i know i wouldnt, id like to make a nice profit.


            Same here, I got no prob paying nice cash for stuff. That said, you do slightly bring it on yourself with all your 'yay me, got this for ?2 pounds' type posts. That said though, there are a lot of peeps who expect **** for basically free, and yes, they are fools.

            (TBH what annoys me just as much, perhaps even more, is people who come to me for advice, favours etc, and don't do **** to reciprocate when I'm after a favour. They're the real c**** imo)


              Originally posted by wheelaa
              Same here, I got no prob paying nice cash for stuff. That said, you do slightly bring it on yourself with all your 'yay me, got this for ?2 pounds' type posts.
              yeah I guess so but I've never once said I've gotten something like RSG, Battle garegga or Batsugun for cheap or at least I don't think I have because I haven't.

              Originally posted by wheelaa
              (TBH what annoys me just as much, perhaps even more, is people who come to me for advice, favours etc, and don't do **** to reciprocate when I'm after a favour. They're the real c**** imo)
              I know just where you're coming from there, mate !



                if somebody is having a huge sale i will try and buy a few items, whether i need them or not jsut to save a little bit of cash on the items and on postage

                but i i ask a Japanese seller to try and specifically get me something i will pay what ever they ask - and i've never haggled on that side of things before

                but what annoys me is when i sell things people ask for a tremendous deal which i normally give if they are spending alot of money, but when it comes to buying stuff from them its nice to remember the deal i gave them

                i'm not saying that it should be done, but its nice to be nice and its a community at the end of the day - but when people either try and rip me off or wont take and money off, thats annoying

                learnt my lesson a few times recently and whatever excuse is given why they need the things but can only offer X amount - i'm not listening anymore


                  Originally posted by Mad Gear
                  Where's MD when you need him
                  who's he? , is he the one who ripped a lot of people off on these forums? I was reading some old threads the other day and that guy seemed to come of as some kid who thought it was all cool to be elitest and 'hardcore' but in the end constantly came off as a very sad person.

                  Back on topic everyone must know that the most wanted retro titles don't really differ in prices in japan to what we have over here, we pay a bit more but thats expected with import costs and buisnesses needing to make a slight profit on the item. Really i don't see why anyone would not like to hear the bargins that Yakumo picks up, i like to see the interesting items he comes up with and how much he spent.

                  Yakumo carry on with the good work, and if you do one day come across a copy of radiant silvergun for a fiver be sure to let us know, its not like i won't be jealous, but at the same time i love seeing the bargins people find.


                    Originally posted by muse hunter
                    who's he? , is he the one who ripped a lot of people off on these forums? I was reading some old threads the other day and that guy seemed to come of as some kid who thought it was all cool to be elitest and 'hardcore' but in the end constantly came off as a very sad person.
                    Nicely summed up


                      Originally posted by muse hunter
                      who's he?
                      the comment was made more because Yakumo and MD diddnt really get along

                      infact MD didnt really get along with very many people

                      a very very jealous little man - who tried to ruin all of Yakumo's posts because of his pretty pathetic jealousy

                      **waits for MD's fake account to come and stick up for him**


                        Originally posted by buster_broon
                        **waits for MD's fake account to come and stick up for him**
                        His fake account was "Mark III" - BANNED


                          Thing is, he could be okay in person. Certainly the times I met him (at old NTSC-UK meets and over in Chicago when he was running Game ON) he's been fine, chatting away and talking about random ****. But true, online he could be entirely different, one which was eloquently summed up by Muse Hunter. Very hard to gauge. And yes, there was the incident owing lots of people lots of money.

                          Anyhow back to the topic, it's true that the Japanese sellers have started to cotton on, from what I've seen, about the prices some items go for in the West. Trying to track down Commodore MAX items for example, I notice they seem to go for a bomb even second hand in some Japanese stores. If you can find them, that is.
                          Lie with passion and be forever damned...


                            Ah MD, he used to hate it that I ruined the retro section of gamesTM. He must be spitting ****ing feathers that I run Retro Gamer now LOL


                              It did seem a bit pointless every month slagging you off. You should send him a copy!

