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I love Gamestation, Look what I just got for ?25!

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    Originally posted by boyo


      Good deal for you and nice earner for ebaying games. But I wouldn't be interested in Spectrum or 8 bits era.


        There are some corking games in there, some ****e, but some good uns!

        I remember playing most of those games, some of which I still have at my parents gathering dust but i`ll never play them again, best remembered through the old rose tinted glasses me thinks.

        I used to love "Cobra" but I played it recently on an emulator and it was awful. Ocean sorftware were the daddy`s though, wicked!


          You lucky, lucky bastard.

          Only thing I can see missing so far is The Hobbit - otherwise you've got an absolutely class collection there !


            Nice fine Mate,

            As some have said some good uns and a fair few ****e titles, but for ?25 your laughing. If your ebaying you'll get a good return on your ?25. The Boxed spectrum is worth more than that anyway as for the rest, ultimate games vary depending on whose buying.
            Things like Sabre Wulf, Knight Lore tend to go for ?5-15, titles like Pentagram and Cyberun tend to be a little higher.
            You might get a few quids for the interface 2, although not boxed still sought after.

            Pity you didn't get Martianoids(?15-?30), Bubbler(?40-?70, yes i've seen it go for ?70) or the Ultimate collection(?30-?40 for tape, name your price for the +3 disk version) as the prices can get silly with those.

            Wonder what the trade in value was?

            /edit remember if your selling on ebay list all the ****e titles as R@RE!!!!XDXD


              ^ Ginger stop picking out the big hitters - ****ing hell there's millions of absolute gems there - Black Crsytal (better on zx81 but still), penetrator, TLL, saboteur2, thanatos, Maziacs (my first ever game was Mazogs on the ZX81 - this was the speccy version), Hydrofool, Micronaut One - too many to mention - all absolute fuggin gems.

              Anything out of that lot you don't want - just let me know buddy.


                I was picking them out for resell value. The games you listed are classics and i have in my collection as well (most i think anyway). Sadly for resell the only ones that tend to make money are the Ultimate titles. The rest usually are fairly worthless (unfair considering some are better than the Ultimate titles).

                Most ebayers (sellers and buyers) have blurred the line between Rare and Desirable.

                You seem to have good taste in spectrum retro btw! I must get mine on again to play TLL!


                  i personally wouldnt have bought it - not my cup of tea

                  but a lovely haul nevertheless


                    Retro at its finest, what a collection for ?24.99!

                    Those were the days when games were on cassette.


                      I remember about 6 years ago I picked up a similar bundle at a car boot sale for ?5, no ultimate games though, but at least it taught me what games used to be like. sitting on your fingers so you dont bash the bastard to death while it loads with that god awful sound oh yeah and I programmed a clock, but it only ticked for 14 hours or so.


                        Good deal m8, well done................ if i was you id keep em as you'll be hard pushed to find stuff that old in such great nick any time soon.

                        Sorry to say but your rug/carpet is really making me sick! are they worms or somat?



                          And don't mind muse hunter. I'd rather own that bundle than all the crappy Megadrive games in the world.


                            Originally posted by Yoshimax-UK
                            Micronaut One
                            ****ing wicked game. I spent so long flying through those tunnels. I managed to completely learn the Cetan alphabet at one point too
                            Heh you got the double Batman game, Double Take, Terramex and Amaurote too, I used to play those loads as well Don't forget to erm.. enjoy UDG Designer on the Horizons tape Wow, neat haul there.
                            Edit: And a shrink-wrapped datacorder?? Wow
                            Last edited by vertigo; 07-02-2006, 14:57.


                              Just went in Gamestation Saarfhaampton - actually "LOL'd" in there when I saw a US NTSC Secret of Mana cart (bare cart only), with a sun-faded sticker, being sold for an overdraft-worrying ?39.99. I **** thee not. Je-heee-sus H. Christ.


                                I admit to being cheeky with my spectrum.

                                A while ago I lost a box full of tapes. Really, I have no idea what happened to it.

                                48k with rubber keys, my speccy. I have it set up ontop of my PC tower at the moment because I... uh, use winamp as my tape player.

                                There's a tzx plugin for it so it plays the tape files... And they actually work if you plug your speccy into the PC's speaker plug.

                                It's quite sad I know, especially when I could just use an emulator with the tzx files, but there's just something about getting them running on the proper hardware.

