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Classic arcade games without decent (or any) conversions

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    Originally posted by Baseley09
    AB good.
    You're hilarious
    AB Cop is awful. I played it the other day, it's laughable. It's like a really embarassing rip-off of Chase HQ. In its favour though, it does give you 250,000 points before you even start.


      Double Dragon on the GBA is passable really. As someone posted earlier it's a strange mix. I'd say it was closer to DD2 than 1 myself.

      I can't believe nobodys mentioned...

      Shinobi Why oh why oh why has this not been Sega Aged? No version has managed to capture the brillance of the original.

      also whoever mentioned Aliens vs Predator you are a don. I know some people don't rate it, but it's still the best scrolling beat-em-up in my opinion. Length, difficulty and depth of system all wrapped up in some fabulous presentation make for an utterly brilliant experience.


        Really need a capcom collection of all there scrolling fighters.

        Think aliens vs predator is one of the only non 2d/3d fighting games i have ever completed.


          Originally posted by JazzFunk
          : Double Dragon on the MD looked good but the controls were slow and unresponsive and made it feel crap compared to the arcade. The atmosphere was further deadened by the MD's limited colour palette. I wish there were some kind of Technos compilation disc.
          True about the controls, but graphics wise the Mega Drive version was near enough perfect , if not a bit better (shaper and bigger sprites and no slowndown).
          What let the game down was the lack of the Arcade's bone crushing sound effects (when you were kneeing them inthe face ect) and that it was piss easy to finish .

          Do agree thought would be great tp have a Techons compilation disc , same goes for Treaure and thier 32bit and 64 bit efforts


            Originally posted by vertigo
            You're hilarious
            AB Cop is awful. I played it the other day, it's laughable. It's like a really embarassing rip-off of Chase HQ. In its favour though, it does give you 250,000 points before you even start.
            Haha is it? oh ****e I remember it being awsome fun.....coming on 15 years or so ago :/ .

            Ruin my memories again and ill have to shoot you down with lazer beams.


              However, Lucky and Wild (sp?) is still good played that recently in Blackpool.

              AB Cop I recall being fun, but quite shallow. It's no STUN RUNNER.


                Did renegade have a good conversion?

                Also what was the best conversions for r-type and hellfire?


                  Also what was the best conversions for r-type and hellfire?
                  r-type - pc engine or psx (r-types)
                  hellfire - megadrive. wasn't this a megadrive game first anyway?

                  if we're counting non-converted games how about konami's rock n rage. i think it's better than their later zombies


                    Originally posted by Mu5
                    Paperboy, Crystal Castles and 720 are all guilty. I so wish that Paperboy and 720 did not have unique controllers. Damn shame
                    If memory serves me correctly the C64 port of Crystal Castles is very good given the downgrade in specs.


                      Originally posted by Madbury
                      also whoever mentioned Aliens vs Predator you are a don. I know some people don't rate it, but it's still the best scrolling beat-em-up in my opinion. Length, difficulty and depth of system all wrapped up in some fabulous presentation make for an utterly brilliant experience.
                      I think its been mentioned before that since Capcom don't have the AVP license anymore it will never be released on any compilations.

                      Much the same for The Punisher and Cadillacs and Dinosaurs. Still, theres always MAME!


                        Originally posted by pentarou
                        Still, theres always MAME!
                        Or the CPS2 board They're too rich for my blood at current prices though.


                          Psychic 5 ... I loved that game back in the good old arcade days (thanks to MAME that I'm still able to play it)
                          POW (prisoners of war)
                          Rad Mobile

                          and last but not least : SCUD RACER !! why oh why didn't they make a conversion of this game ?! ...


                            Originally posted by TheForce
                            Psychic 5 ... I loved that game back in the good old arcade days (thanks to MAME that I'm still able to play it)
                            POW (prisoners of war)
                            Another POW fan. I thought I was the only one...


                              Originally posted by Shoju
                              What changed in the SNES version of Turtles In Time and what did they do to the ports in the new versions? I was thinking of getting them to play the old games.
                              There are a large number of differences between the SNES and Arcade version of TMNT in time. For starter's the SNES version only allows two players and has fewer enemies on screen, due to the SNES?s CPU. The SNES version has one extra level in the form of the large technodrone level, but the Arcade intro and music song has been removed.

                              There are a few different troops and the robot enemy in the arcade version, which had boxer gloves and punched attacked you was replaced with the lasso robot from the first arcade game. The sewer and hover board bonus rounds are proper level in the arcade game. The hover board level is very different, as the view is always side on in the arcade version, unlike the mode seven effects on the SNES version. Finally there are a number of boss changes:

                              Sewer level: Arcade: Pizza Monsters, SNES: Rat King
                              Dino level: Arcade: Mud Monster, SNES: Slash
                              Pirate Ship: Arcade: Tokka & Rahzar, SNES: Bebop & Rocksteady
                              Final Boss: Arcade: Shredder, SNES: Super Shredder

                              A lot of the voice samples are missing in the SNES version and the hurry up image has been changed from Splinter to April O?Neil.

                              As for the new Turtles games, Konami was to too cheap to pay royalties for the old arcade game's sound track and have replaced the music with just two tracks from the new turtles game. The intro is missing, along with the demo mode, hi score table, credit scene and all the voice acting and some of the sound effects have been removed.

                              Also it?s a port and not the game running under emulation because of this some of the graphic?s are missing while other's have been changed! The picture of April O?Neil in the TV screen on stage two is different and look's badly drawn. There is also an Alligator in the sewers on the third level that was not in the original arcade!

                              Fan of the original arcade game will feel like they have just received a punch in the face after playing this version of it.

                              Haven?t played the third turtles games so I can?t make any comparison on TMNT 2 port all I know is the sound track is once again missing.

                              As for the new turtles games the first one is rubbish as it?s have five really long and very repetitive act?s and you can?t save or select the different stages in each act. The second game is much better as it?s was made by a different team of Konami and I think some of the original arcade team worked on it. The game is much larger, but each act is made up of a lot of short levels with lots of variety and you can individually select each stage, there a lot more enemies to fight as well, it?s also four player unlike the first game which is only two. The first game you fight the same enemies over and over again and it get's really boring in places, but neither are as good as the arcades!

                              You can tell by now that I'm a bit of a turtles fan.
                              Last edited by S3M; 17-02-2006, 19:38.


                                Originally posted by seany1979
                                The Gameboy version was pretty excellent, I still play it often as Ihave one of those 150-in-1 carts (NO REPEAT!) and it is on there.
                                I have the Gameboy version and while it's fun, it doesn't play like the original. To incorporate the fat sprites, the game mechanics have changed a la the C64 version. The Spectrum version is much more faithful to the original.

                                I've heard the Atari ST version is aces, but haven't tried it.


