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What will you do with your NES, Snes, N64..

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    You can get clones for most systems..pce, md, fc, sfc, n64 etc.


      Isn't the Mega Drive made from all off-the-shelf components? I always assumed that was the reason why there are so many of these joypad-to-TV games based for it, both licensed and unlicensed (The Sensi Soccer and Street Fighter ones for example).

      I think the NES is similar; they both had a lot of Motorola chips which are still easily available or widely cloned (Z80 and 6800 for example).


        Re md ...I think so. A lot of other older consoles too. I mean a while back a large consignment of Acan went to the states, purely to be destroyed for the common chips in them


          Originally posted by Ben_nintendo
          Well Nintendo are doing what they can to get as many games released from other companies.
          Sega have already showed interest in having its previous titles availble
          What Sega games were released on Nintendo consoles pre-GC?


            Originally posted by crazymadone
            What Sega games were released on Nintendo consoles pre-GC?
            Shinobi (NES) and Fantasy Zone (Famicom/NES) to name a couple


              Imagine if Sega released some of its MS and MD games on the Rev, via emulation.

              That would be awesome.


                Same thing we did with our MegaDrives when we got them emulated on the XBox - put the old consoles into storage and keep the XBox set up, saves space and the hassle of dragging out old consoles.
                Then realise the xbox supports high-def has flicker filters on all emu's and you can plug most pads in with an adaptor; then ebay all your original gear because nostalgia won't pay the rent
                Would love to say would keep all my original gear, but my Xbox has allowed me to sell my SNES - UK, US and SFC, Jap Megadrive Collection, PCE gear and even a couple of arcade boards. I still get to play the games, looking a hell of a lot better, with just one box under the TV!
                I'm a collector at heart but sometimes debts take priority over original setups. Sad but true.
                3DS FC (updated 2015): 0447-8108-3129


                  Originally posted by Szczepaniak
                  Imagine if Sega released some of its MS and MD games on the Rev, via emulation.

                  That would be awesome.
                  Heck, I'm praying to see a similar thing on the XBox Marketplace.


                    Originally posted by wheelaa

                    Seems to me like another nintendo way of making more cash for the same ****. They've seen the money floating around the retro scene and want some of it. Just too damn greedy imo. Its not about Nintendo bringing their history to new gamers, its about money!
                    They own the games, why can't they make money from them. Movie studios do, music publishers do, authers do so why not games. It's the 1 year old and drop it mentality that is holding the games business back. They're a company so of course they want to make money, I mean you wouldn't be complaiing so much if you were a share holder, bond holder or maybe an employee with options. This is just too narrow minded for my liking. Being able to play old games legitimatly is the last barrier in th eindustry in mky mind.


                      And then if you read what I carry on to write you'll see me expand my views further.

                      My main issue is not with Nintendo making money for old rope..its about the feeble amount of old rope they are giving us for large amount of cash they are getting in return. Anyone can quote something in limited context to suit their views..lemme see....

                      Being able to play old games legitimatly is the last barrier in th eindustry in mky mind.
                      Bull**** mate. I play nes games legitimately on a nes!

                      Oh...I see what you mean, in the context of your whole post!


                        Originally posted by wheelaa
                        And then if you read what I carry on to write you'll see me expand my views further.

                        My main issue is not with Nintendo making money for old rope..its about the feeble amount of old rope they are giving us for large amount of cash they are getting in return. Anyone can quote something in limited context to suit their views..lemme see....

                        Bull**** mate. I play nes games legitimately on a nes!

                        Oh...I see what you mean, in the context of your whole post!

                        ok, i know what you mean but the barrier is that you need a nes to play the game. Old movies that came out on vhs - well now you can by them on dvd, albums that were released on vynl, well you can get them on CD these days. Just because the media changed, the record companies didn't say sod this, we'll have to put these through a ADC then re master them. Emulation is **** hot these days so why not re release old games and who knows what we may see loads more on revolution - I hope so but expecting Nintendo (and I can;t remember who said this so not aimed at anyone really) to release a collection of every game or 50 in one batch for a nominal fee is like expecting universal to say they'll put out every movie in one go for the price of a new dvd.


                          I will keep most of the original games I own depending on how much it costs to download ''official ROMZ''.

                          Mostly will just sit back and watch. If anything tho I expect it to increase the value/interest of retro games as this will probably bring in a more newer and younger generation of gamer into the retro-market place. Then again I could be totally wrong and talking ballocks....... just my opinion really, hope it does pan out like that though.


                            Now I know what I will do with my NES,

                            But what can a SNES be turned into ?


                              Originally posted by NeoClaret
                              Now I know what I will do with my NES,

                              But what can a SNES be turned into ?
                              I'll be keeping my Super Famicom until the day I die.

                              Also I don't have any of the other systems, but hopefully I'll be picking up an AV Famicom in the not too distant future.

                              As for the SNES?

                              How about a Supergun?

