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so i finally got a 96 star in mario world

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    Congrats man! Getting 96 stars in SMW is one thing I actually can do. Super Mario World is one of my favorite games. I know it by heart but I'm not perfect at it. The level I hate the most is the bridge level before the 5th castle where you have to bounce with the cape to get under the first gate. Extremely difficult. Never memorized the timing. I usually try it 10+ times. The one that comes in second is the level in the Special world where you have to fly inflated with balloons. Ugh.

    Anyway, I never did beat Super Mario Bros for the NES (only SNES remake) so I still have to do that some day.

    Originally posted by muse hunter
    thanks, use yoshi for that level and when you swoop just past the normal exit underneath jump off him, you may be committing yoshi to a horrible death but at least the task is done.
    Hmm... I guess I wasn't the only one with this problem. I guess you can glide through to the last platform with Yoshi? I never even thought of using him because of the moving ropes.
    Last edited by danholo; 10-03-2006, 12:00.


      Congrats, muse hunter


      (Sorry. I couldn't resist!!)


        Originally posted by danholo
        The one that comes in second is the level in the Special world where you have to fly inflated with balloons. Ugh.
        Seriously? This is one of the easier Star World levels IMO.


          Originally posted by Superfamifreak
          Seriously? This is one of the easier Star World levels IMO.
          i found that level very hard also, i found the last half of the special levels far more easier than the first lot.


            I can't remember .. owned if so

            Originally posted by Kubrick
            You get a little "star" next to the number 96 on the file menu once you've done it, don't you?




                next task - to get a 100 in every level of yoshi's island


                  I played through Yoshis Island for the first time last year, but I didn't really gel with it, I finished it but I didn't bother going back for the secret levels, nice game. but it shouldnt have been a sequel to SMW. its got better presentation in some bits , and some other parts look worse in my opinion due to the use of the superfx chip and those horrible 'prerendered' sprites that carry baby mario away.

                  also, by the end of the game I wasnt sure I really cared if they took baby mario away or not, god his crying was annoying to say the least.

                  great game though regardless, not godly like SMW though.


                    good going muse hunter, its a great feeling seeing the 96* on your save on the opening screen!.. back when I first got my SNES SMW was the only game I had for ages, so I hammered it and got my 96*...

                    think we should do a group buy for a Mushroom trophy as you said with 'Achieved 96 Stars In Super Mario World'


                      Check out this time for Super Mario World



                        Originally posted by NeoClaret
                        Check out this time for Super Mario World
                        I haven't bothered to watch all of that video (dial-up), but I can also finish Super Mario World in just over 10 mins..not sure of the exact time but I got it down to around 11mins which included a few errors..

                        ...not to blow my own trumpet or anything...
                        Last edited by Tetsuo; 10-03-2006, 15:43.


                          Originally posted by Geoff D
                          Sometimes I look at family members & friends & I wonder if I love them as much as I love the music in the underground cave levels of SMW; particularly when combined with the flutter sound made by the bats they swoop down from the ceiling.
                          Especially when you're riding Yoshi and the bongo things come in!


                            Originally posted by Superfamifreak
                            Seriously? This is one of the easier Star World levels IMO.
                            I always remember this one to be the hardest. Please remind me what other one's there are. I think the latter half of the special world levels are much easier then this one.


                              That balloon level in SMW is one of the easiest, I have to agree. Standing still is key sometimes
                              I've done Super Mario Bros 2 on one life without using warps, Super Mario World with a star96, done Mario 64 with 120 stars and done Yoshi's Island all 100% including the bonus levels. Do I win a prize?
                              I managed to bear Mario Sunshine up until about 72 shines or so, just up to the point where it would allow me into the last level and to see the credits. I don't think there's any way I could bear to do the other 48 shines, I really don't get on with the game at all. I went back to it again a few weeks ago actually, just to see, and it's far too fiddly and buggy to be any fun for me. Shame I can't sell it coz no one wants it.
                              I've only done Super Mario Bros 3 with saves on AllStars and have never done the first one at all.

