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Fixing a Light Gun

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    Fixing a Light Gun

    I just recently got a Justifier Light Gun off ebay for the Megadrive which the seller didn't advertise in the title as faulty so I'm trying to see if there's any quick way to fix it. Opening it up it's pretty simple inside, with no loose connections or anything. Anyone got any ideas on what might cause this to not work? Anyone know how to fix megadrive joypads and guns?

    No idea how to fix it, but what TV are you using? Old light guns don't like a lot of modern TV's.


      It's a pretty old TV. I mean it has a scart scoket so it's not ancient. Probably around ten years old.

      Even the start button doesn't work though, and that should work regardless of where you point the gun etc.


        Try to find out if there are any broken connections on any of the pcb's, or try a multimeter on any of the resistors/ capacitators. If there happens to be no signal on any of them, replace with a similar one.


          Probably too simple.. but is the lens on it clean?


            The most common problem that I have had with control pads is a wire breaking inside the cable where it exits the pad. It tends to get messed up as the wire is constantly pivoting about that point. I suppose a gun could develop a similar problem.


              @ Silanda: MUST be talking about PS pads, right?

              I've once had a SNES pad, with a cracked PCB, hardly visible.
              I scratched of the copper tracings and reconnected the two parts with kynar.


                Originally posted by Shinebi
                @ Silanda: MUST be talking about PS pads, right?
                Not just them, I've had a megadrive 6 button pad that went that way and a couple of PC pads.


                  Wow. You move around too much while gaming. Are you the type who performs all the actions when playing driving games?
                  I've never had a pad die that way.
                  Rankles: Is there a controller chip inside the gun? I'd have thought so. It's most likely to be the same or similar to the one inside a normal pad. Does it have 16 pins? Check that you're getting a 5 volt signal on pin 16. If you're not, that'll probably be why.
                  "Hmm... no power!"

