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An introduction to Beyond Good and Evil. 16th Oct - 13th Nov

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    Still not finished this. I really must be crap. I'm 12 or so hours in and not finished the Slaughterhouse!

    Anyway, I really wanted to love this but to be honest the game mechanics themself aren't satisfying enough on their own to make it really enjoyable. It's only the characterisation and plot exposition that makes it worth going through. So I guess what I'm saying is (and I never thought I'd say this, about any game actually), the gameplay is secondary to the story....


      Originally posted by gunrock
      It's only the characterisation and plot exposition that makes it worth going through. So I guess what I'm saying is (and I never thought I'd say this, about any game actually), the gameplay is secondary to the story....
      Summed up perfectly in those few sentences. The gameplay is average but the plot keeps you coming back for more.


        A couple of days late I know but I just finished the game about ten minutes ago and wanted to say that on the whole it was very enjoyable. There are some things it doesn't do as well as other games such as the camera control and the combat, and I personally was bewildered by one or two of the puzzles.

        But their are many things it does better than a lot of other games, the story in pacing and theme was exceptional as was the characterisation of the protagonists. The difficulty level was also pitched well an area that can play a huge part in deciding whether a game is fun to play or just becomes a frustrating trial of try and retry.

        Anyway good first choice and I now look forward to joining in playing Prince of Persia: Sands of Time.


          Originally posted by gunrock
          all the pieces of music really resonated. Is there an official OST, I wonder?
          Ubisoft released all the music on mp3 download on the official site for free.


            Link? Can't spot it.


              I can't find it any more. Have a look through the old first play thread.


                As promised during the run-up to the first month's Re: play Appreciate thread we have picked who we think was the poster with the best contribution throughout the month.

                It's been an extremely close run affair, with many members embracing the Re: play appreciate concept and running with it in directions we could only have wished for when we set this up, but two members have stood out from the crowd in terms of what they have contributed to the thread. Sadly, there can only be one winner, and this has been a difficult decision to choose between them both but we have finally decided on one.

                The best contribution from a poster award this month goes to Nijo. Congratulations dude - you have really put your back into it this month. Special mention needs to go out to Welrain, who pushed Nijo all the way and a big thank you to everyone who participated from all the staff of

                Nijo, I will be contacting you shortly for your details so I can send onto you a prize.

                Thanks once again to everyone for taking part.
                Last edited by VR46; 20-11-2006, 14:07. Reason: added spaces to get of the smilies


                  Crikey... thanks... I didn't know you were doing this!

                  I like the idea of the Relay thread as I tend to miss important and/or interesting games - being able to play them at a later time alongside everybody else is great. It's just a shame I've not had the chance to dig out PoP!


                    Dig out Prince of Persia, you really must.

                    Had a brilliant time with BG&E, I find my self contemplating where they would have gone with the story as they really introduced a lot of new information during the moon mission and the final cliffhanger (*ouch*). Fingers crossed that one day there might be some sort of follow up in some form of another. I think this really shows just how powerful the narrative was. I'll have fond memories of this game for a long time to come.


                      Anyway, just finished this (had some heavy work commitments theast couple of weeks), but even so, I am officially rubbish: My last save was about 18 hours in, and by the time I finished the last boss I must have clocked 20 hours!!!

                      Agree with all you said about the narrative. I just wish the game mechanics were tighter. The restart points were generally more than fair (except in the last boss - which seemed a bit random; restart at current stage of boss, versus go back a couple of stages and do them again...).


                        Due to the strange restart points on the final boss I managed to scrap through to the last check point with only 1 heart with no way to heal myself...oops. Made the last two bits very difficult indeed.


                          Originally posted by Welrain
                          Due to the strange restart points on the final boss I managed to scrap through to the last check point with only 1 heart with no way to heal myself...oops. Made the last two bits very difficult indeed.
                          Ah, me too, but I found a cunning little trick (a bug perhaps?) that made this much easier. On the pause/inventory menu, you still have access to H and Pey'j's inventory. In my game, Pey'j had 5 starkos available! So, I transferred them to Jade and took the extra health bar items back from Double H, too. Flip back into the game and consume all the Starkos and I had tons of health left!

                          Ironically, that's the only time I ever used the take/give inventory management part of the UI. Pick-pocketing your comrades FTW!!


                            Did you guys give them any health powerups? They never had more than 2 hearts in my game, so I ended up with tons. They didn't seem to need any health, as far as I could tell, so it was more efficient to have them all myself.


                              I know this isn't on the back-compat list for 360, but what about PS3, does anyone know if the UK Pal version would work on a UK PS3?


                                Originally posted by Jebus View Post
                                I know this isn't on the back-compat list for 360, but what about PS3, does anyone know if the UK Pal version would work on a UK PS3?
                                Apparently so, but it only has a 1/3 rating, so chances are it won't run well.

