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The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

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    The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

    Whilst playing PSU this weekend some american chappies were raving over how good Twilight Princess is going to be whilst reminiscing over classic moments from OoT. All this talk made me want to turn off PSU right there and then and then start a new game on Ocarina prior to TP turning up late next week.

    After sampling F-Zero in sexy 480p I think an OoT playthrough is well in order.

    Who else is with me? I'll be playing the Master Quest version myself. What were the main differences between the master quest and the original version?

    teh Water Temple!!

    Probably like you, I am looking forward to TP most of all out of anything the "next generation" has to offer.

    I'm with you in the sense that I respect OoT more highly than anything else. Because of that though, I will probably never replay it.


      ive just recently finished master quest and i think its just the dungeons that are reworked, im not sure if the heart pieces and the gold skull tokens are different, obviously they will be inside dungeons as there different to the original and it was a while back since i played the original Oot.

      I actually found the water temple easier on master quest. Thought it was a bugger on the Oot though. its the sand temple i found a bit awkward


        Originally posted by DavidFallows
        teh Water Temple!!
        Exactly That is the only thing that would make me not want to pick up Oot and play it through again. Very frustrating I can remember....


          I'm actually playing this at the moment and I have to say its a great game. At first I wasn't sure what to make of it, what with the faries and the ye olde setting. I thought this would put me off the game but the game itself is just so good. everything in the game clicks, the ocarina is a great way of adding music to the game, the battles are solid, the items (like boomerang and bow) add something new to the game once you've got them. I have just finished the water temple (didn't find it too hard really) and I will keep playing til the end and I don't want his game to end!


            Originally posted by Margoos
            ive just recently finished master quest and i think its just the dungeons that are reworked, im not sure if the heart pieces and the gold skull tokens are different, obviously they will be inside dungeons as there different to the original and it was a while back since i played the original Oot.
            Ditto, I also finished Master Quest for the first time a few days ago. It's definatly worth going with that instead of the standard OoT that comes on the Wind Waker Bonus disk (unless you've never played Ocarina before that is).

            The dungeons are the only things that are different, everything else is the same. Some of the levels are genuinely difficult, especially at the start, but I felt it got easier as I went through and only died once at the beginning of the game. Let's hope the dungeon design for TP is as good as it is in Ocarina of Time - going back to it made me realise just how well designed they really are, each with its own special atmosphere.


              Got through to the beginning of Lord Jabu-Jabu's belly. What a game. Everything's so perfectly laid out.

              I'm rushing through to make it hard for myself. I'd usually have around 2 extra hearts by now but I want less health for more challenging boss fights.

              The layout and geometry of the dungeons is absolutely outstanding. Dodongo's Cavern takes my breath away everytime after I kill the second batch of Lizard sword men and realise I'm actually directly above the first lizard man fight, I can even look down and see where I was 10 minutes ago.

              The Deku Tree, man, one minute you're progressively working your way to the top and then the next you're dropping 100ft down the middle of it through a big stretchy web and then a further 100ft down into the roots system where things get a bit puzzley... you work your way around in a big circle and then the puzzle from the first room attaches itself to the other side to link a slightly tougher puzzle before you drop down even further!!! WTF!? I seriously laughed out loud to myself at the design idea of it when playing through last night. I couldn't make this **** up even if I was on some serious mind-bending drugs! You can imagine an overly excited Miyamoto describing this idea for a level in the boardroom on a marker board with everyone at the table laughing at him. Edge got it right with their feature... There's simply no other design house out there with the balls to copy this sort of thing, anything else would be ****e in comparison.

              Most games have me dreading dungeons and when I'm running through I usually can't wait for the end... Zelda makes me adore them and genuinely forces me to explore every nook and cranny of every single one of them.

              I can't wait for the Forest Temple, I think that and the Shadow Temple (with the mirrors) are my favourites.


                don't make me play this again!! i think i've started a game a while back on the cube version, i may go take a look at where i am on it.


                  I was thinking the same thing! All this talk is making me want to play it again! It is one of my favourite games anyway and I've completed master quest a couple of times... one more couldn't hurt I guess...


                    I've only ever played it through to the end once, and that was during the December it launched. I started playing last night as I can hardly remember anything.

                    It all flows back to me when I'm actually in there though which means puzzles are much easier this time around. It did take me a while (5mins) to remember I needed the Zora scale so that I could access Lake Hylia from the caves and then find the message in a bottle from Ruto though, so that I could get permission from the king to enter Jabu-Jabu's domain. I did the diving game and then forgot to collect my prize. ><

                    I reckon I'm going to get stuck with the Rubiks-esque rotating rooms of the Forest Temple, I remember getting stuck on that bit for ages and I think I remember it as being just random messing around that cracked it in the end.


                      i dont mind the game i just found my self saying "oh god not another dungeon" i just did not find them that fun

                      the boss battles i thought were great though


                        I've definitely played this game through more times than any other. At least 5 or 6 times. Even so, i've only played it through on master quest once.

                        Anyway, zelda talk is getting me pretty depressed at the moment, desperate to get TP at launch but I won't have a Wii and i'd rather save playing it till I get a wii than playing the cube version. Its not like me to force myself to wait for a zelda game, in fact I think its the only series that I ever bother to buy the day they come out.

                        Maybe i'll have to replay Majora's Mask this christmas, it should keep me going. Any ideas how the version on the on the Zelda collectors disc compare to the original cartridge? I vaguely remember hearing it has bugs but I might be imagining things?


                          First post <waves> long time reader tho.

                          With all the recent talk of TP, OoT has been nagging at the back of my brain. I never finished it, recall getting stuck on Jabu's belly and either giving up or getting distracted by other things.

                          I think I'm going to dig out my 64 and give this another shot, from the start, so all you that have played through, don't stray to far in case I get stuck there again!



                            You got stuck at Jabu Jabu's Belly? Oh mate you need to keep going, you've only scratched the surface of just how amazing that game is.

                            Oh and welcome to the forum!


                              Cheers, I vaguely recall the electric tentacles, not sure if I got stuck there or lost thereafter... either way I keep promising myself to have another crack at it!

