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Rate these PSX games

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    Rate these PSX games

    Please be harsh. You can use a 1/10 scale or just say something like Good/Mediocre/Bad. And of course you can comment wichever you want.

    I'm just looking for some good and original titles I could have missed. There are other forums like GameFaqs for rare games, but people's opinions are quite biased and I prefer to read harsher ones. I've read all the threads about hidden PSX gems in this forum, and the most commented ones are not here because I got enough information about them. So this is not a hidden gems thread, but a compilation of games just named in those kind of threads.

    ***Most of these games are not really unknown:

    Trap Gunner (Trap Runner)
    Densha De Go (1, 2, Nagoya Railroad, Professional)
    Poy Poy 1&2
    Silhouette Mirage
    Rollcage 1&2
    N2O: Nitrous Oxide
    Treasures of the Deep
    The Unholy War
    Carnage Heart
    Panzer front
    Tail Concerto
    Threads of Fate
    Legend of Legaia

    ***Japanese games from (removed most famous and acclaimed ones)

    Finger Flashing
    Gaia Seed: Project Seed Trap
    Gussun Oyoyo
    The Rapid Angel
    Rocky X Hopper 2
    Steep Slope Sliders 2
    Umiharakawase Shun(Shyun)
    Umiharakawase Shun(Shyun) 2nd Edition
    Last edited by Aiden1945; 03-12-2006, 19:44. Reason: Adding a couple of games.

    I've got Umiharakawase Shun and it's excellent - very unusual swing-based platformer. I'd give that an 8/10.


      Of the games I own:
      Poy Poy 2 (8/10)
      It's so much fun and awesome to play with a bunch of mates around.

      Lomax (8/10)
      I love early 2D/3D platformers so this is right up my alley. Not sure how other people find it but I thought it was a blast.

      Legend of Legaia (7/10)
      Never played through the entire thing but was fairly enjoyable.

      I would however recommend:
      Devil Dice, Mr. Driller and Kula World as random PS1 games that are awesome.


        I've only played Rollcage 1/2, Gekido, Treasures Of The Deep and Galerians.

        Gekido - Seems like it should be fun, with brash graphics & crunchy sound fx, but never actually is, really. Pity there's not many decent side-scrolling fighters on PS1.

        Treasures Of The Deep - Fun for a bit but gets very generic and it feels like wasted time not far into it.

        Galerians - Interesting plotline but never delivers gameplay-wise. Really short, though, which is a bonus in this case.

        Rollcage 1/2 - Seemed quite cool and smooth but I never got into them to give a decent enough judgement. Many seem to love these.


          Rollcage 2 is donneth.

          Gaia Seed is average at best.

          The first Cool Boarders game was the best one.


            Originally posted by garyfoo182
            Devil Dice, Mr. Driller and Kula World as random PS1 games that are awesome.
            Thanks. I got Mr Driller and Roll Away, but i din't know about Devil Dice.

            Originally posted by JazzFunk
            Gekido - Seems like it should be fun, with brash graphics & crunchy sound fx, but never actually is, really. Pity there's not many decent side-scrolling fighters on PS1.
            What about Silhouette Mirage?

            Originally posted by Baseley09
            Rollcage 2 is donneth.
            And "donneth" means...


              Originally posted by Aiden1945
              What about Silhouette Mirage?
              I meant as in more 'traditional' bash 'em ups, 'cos that's a cutesy platformy thing, innit? I can only think of Captain Commando off the top of my head, though there's probably others that rise above mediocrity. Crisis Beat doesn't quite cut the mustard.


                Originally posted by Aiden1945

                And "donneth" means...
                Its like donner kebab. The best thing for the right situation.

                Expect to see it and its cousin variations on urban dictionary soon.


                  I'm a big Densha fan - I think the games are truly brilliant in the usual quirky Japanese way - you may however think a train driving sim is like watching paint dry...

                  Snowboarding? I liked the Cool Boarders titles, contrary to most people they were my favourite Snowboarding games - preferred to 1080 on N64 and Saturn SSS.

                  As for the others - never heard of them! But I never had many PS games.


                    Actually I own Trap Runner too
                    Its ace fun as well. It's one of those games you can play when you've got a bit of spare time but can't face the epic RPG's
                    Grid Run is another one thats like that...kinda like Capture the Flag but in computer game fun

                    Also I recommend these:
                    Not gonna explain it...just look for some reviews and be amazed

                    The Bombing Islands
                    Kinda like Devil Dice but more puzzle based and rather addictive

                    No One Can Stop Mr. Domino
                    This is simply awesome. You control a Domino who tries to set up a series of blank dominoes to knock down one after the other. Its a race against time basically

                    Last edited by garyfoo182; 03-12-2006, 22:08.


                      I've got Panzer Front (the tank game right?) It's good honest fun but it does get rather difficult about half the way in. You can use the shoulder buttons to control the tank's tracks and the stick to control the gun turret, which I thought was very well implemented.

                      All in all 6/10.


                        Finger Flashing - 6.5/10 Certainly one of the hardest games I have played due entirely to the rock/paper/scissors mechanic and the speed the game moves out. I'm continually caught like a deer in the headlights. There really isnt a whole lot beyond the mechanic and chaining enemies plus it's all opened up from the start so it's not a game I can see many people spending more than a few minutes on at a time. Fans of puzzle games, possibly chaining based shmups too will dig the game though.

                        Gussun Oyoyo - 5/10 I think the one on that site reviews the same game that was on the Super Famicom originally, in which case my score stands. Too much trial and error + very easy to die makes it a largely frustrating experience. Nice music though.

                        Umihara Kawase Syun (& 2nd ed) - 9/10 One of my fave games and one I can spend huge amounts of time playing. It's incredibly tough though, not exactly pick-up & play in the same manner as a Mario game but given time I think it's up there with them in many ways. Time is the key though as learning how to control your character well (actually getting the swinging to work as you envisage every time) can be a drawn out process.. Once that's down and you start working out some more advanced techniques you'll find yourself hopping around matrix-style pulling out moves you never could have imagined at first.


                          If anyone wants to buy Umihara Kawase Shun/Syun for the PSX, I'm thinking of selling my copy. PM if you're interested.

                          Anyhow, N20 hasn't stood the test of time for me. 5/10: exciting for an hour or so, tedious thereafter.


                            Threads of fate or Dew Prism as its known in Japan is a cuter than cute animal morphing RPG by square. When I first bought it way back when it came out I always imagined that it would be like something Rare would make if they made an RPG, but not as good.

                            You basically turn into strange monsters with different abilities who you call on in order to advance through some of the platform type levels, and strange actionRPG battles. Its only a really average RPG at best, but may appeal if you like things on the extra saccarhine cute side. I'd say around 6.5/10 if I were to mark it because I don't have a problem with cute but square could and do, do better.
                            Last edited by AdamJW; 04-12-2006, 15:54.


                              Rollcage 1 & 2 are the only 2 games that stand out for me in that list.

                              Haven't played them for a number of years now so can't say how they stand the test of time. But i'd say that of the two, Rollcage 2 just shades it, with slightly better graphics, weapons, more destructable environments and a decent 2 player game.

                              Rollcage 6-10
                              Rollcage 2 7-10

