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Did you ever get to a Megalopolis in Sim City?

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    Did you ever get to a Megalopolis in Sim City?

    What a classic - just dug this out on SNES. Got a lovely place built - 25 years old, all donuts, graphs show virtually no crime, pollution under control, rails all over, balanced building mix, blah, blah but I just cannot get the population above 320,000 odd...

    I managed barely over 200,000

    There must be some cheat code to make it to 500,000...


      There's one map i believe that makes it easier (i.e. has the most amount of land). Can't remember the number.
      Of course, you get a Mario statue should you reach the 1/2 mil :-)
      Never managed it myself either. Great game though.


        061 I think it was, waterfront property...

        [edit] No, I think it was the land you got if you beat all the scenarios that had zero water...
        Last edited by Max P.; 07-12-2006, 13:36.


          Might dig me copy out of this now that you mention it! Its only fun till yah get to metropolis stage, after that the presents get fewer and its all about maintenance. Also its so heart breaking to see your prosperous areas depreciate from high rises to slums

          Ive never actually got to megalopolis stage to tell you the truth, but i think in the scenarios there is a megalopolis one. A tip is to not demolish natural green spaces, trust me, the already green patches are worth loads!

          Thanks for the reminder!



            Isn't this an early VC game on the Wii? If so, might be worth getting- I loved the SNES version of this


              I have to admit to using the tax cheat - I never got anywhere without it.


                I've done it without any cheats, it's a little tough but if you look in the manual, there's a picture of a megalopolis on page 60 (I have the german version don't know if it's the same in the uk one).

                There you can see a very good tactic for building a +500k city.
                For example they didn't build any streets^^'
                Btw the map they used is number 61.


                  But that's standard tactics - no roads, just rails. There are rails in that pic on page 60 - you can see them crossing the water.


                    Gonna put this on now. I only ever got to metropolis too.

                    Wow, I remember playing this on import before the UK version was out thx to the cool little import video game rental shop that used to be across the road from where I live now. That place was fab, discovered loads of class like LttP thanks to that shop. If it had never been there I probably wouldn't be into games now. It had arcades too.


                      I ended up having a massive session on Sim City (SNES) today 'cos of this thread!

                      On map #000 I've got up to 400k and it's 1975, but I really don't see me getting any higher This map has quite a lot of water tho, so I'm guessing it might not even be possible... but I don't think I can be bothered to try again on map 61!


                        I did the once. I used some cheat (I think...) to get the Mario map, the one without any water. Did it following the Super Play (again, not too sure there) guide about the donut style building blocks, no roads. I kept a space next to my house for the Mario statue

