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ONE All Time Favourite Arcade Racer

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      Ridge racer


        Scud Racer.........

        (or Ridge Racer)


          Was never a fan of Scud. I loved Daytona, but only multiplayer. I think I might actually have to go for GTi Club


            Originally posted by Shakey_Jake33
            The original Daytona, hands down.

            There are plenty of other games up there with it, Outrun, Sega Rally etc, but nothing really came close to Daytona in my eyes. I still have that dream of 40-player races on 777 Speedway on XBL =P
            Those rumours regarding an Xbox version with Live support had me very excited back in 2001-2002. Every month, year, I hoped to read a preview or even confirmation of it's existence, but nothing!

            It's very strange really. You have one of the most popular racers ever, that all nations loved, and it still plays well today, but Sega haven't taken advantage of that success.

            The Dreamcast version is nice, but with the proper dedication and machine, a new Daytona could be immensely popular. With online support, it would probably be huge.


              Originally posted by SuperDanX
              If f355 challenge counts as an 'arcade' racer then that gets my vote. id say its more of simulator than arcade racer but it was originanly an arcade machine so Never has a game been so apptley titled as f355 'CHALLENGE' as it one tricky mofo' ive been playing it on and off for years and im still crap,but the games a tour de force a king amoungst kings a masterpiece if you will, in fact it deserves a place in replay appriciate one month (waves at charlesr)
              I would say it's an arcade-sim. Not strictly a hardcore sim, especially when you put on the driving-aids etc...

              It is tough going, but concentration is rewarded.


                Originally posted by Leon Ahoy!
                The Dreamcast version is nice, but with the proper dedication and machine, a new Daytona could be immensely popular. With online support, it would probably be huge.
                I just want Daytona USA arcade perfect on 360 with online play for say 16 players.

                Manna from heaven.


                  This is my edited version of DAYTONA USA on Dreamcast with the music and over 60 sounds recorded from the original Arcade version replacing the DC sounds whi...

                  Wow, this guy truly loves Daytona. A modified version of the DC game using the arcade sounds and music.


                    god this thread is taking me back to the happy days when i worked for an amusment machine company supplying fruit machines,pool tables,jukeboxes and most important video games to pubs and clubs.i used to install and repair all the machines we supplied.we used to do all the single and twin sit downs like daytona,sega rally,cruisin usa etc.

                    my favourite has got to be daytona although a year later another racer came out that was a complete change in direction and has not been mentioned here.alpine racer was a big heavy bugger of a machine(sometimes had to take the pub doors off to get it in)but watching a group trying to beat each other after a few drinks was class.


                      Funland in Trocodero had 8 Daytona USA cabs linked up for some multiplayer mayhem. Gosh, those were the days!


                        Originally posted by Kongster
                        Funland in Trocodero had 8 Daytona USA cabs linked up for some multiplayer mayhem. Gosh, those were the days!
                        Funland was amazing back in the day. The atmosphere was electric, and I used to hang around there nearly every weekend.

                        The Wonderpark was good too, if you just wanted to chill out, and play Soul Edge, Tekken 3 etc....

                        90's arcade gaming was excellent. Brings a tear to my eye!


                          Indeed, those days were amazing and the fact we'll never see them again is just so damn depressing.


                            Originally posted by Kongster
                            Indeed, those days were amazing and the fact we'll never see them again is just so damn depressing.
                            When we say to kids, " Arcades were better in the old days! " .... we'll be telling the truth, no rose-tints on our shades.

                            It will be along time before I start saying stuff like that to kids though!

                            Used to be a fantastic place!


                              Sega Rally 2.
                              Can't walk past it without dropping some money.

