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ONE favourite one-on-one 2D fighter (not scrolling fighter)

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    ONE favourite one-on-one 2D fighter (not scrolling fighter)

    I choose you: Garou: Mark of The Wolves.

    Only fighter that has ever engaged my interest enough to fully learn how to use all of the characters, and become "at one" with the game mechanics and system.

    Also because it looks and sounds so awesome, because one of the musical compositions bites the ass of Robert Miles "Children", and because I can absolutely beast my mate on it who normally hands my sorry hind to me on every other 2D-er.

    Originally posted by Big Seany
    Also because it looks and sounds so awesome, because one of the musical compositions bites the ass of Robert Miles "Children"
    Rock's stage! I still remember the first time I heard that, a definite moment.

    Garou's up there with the big boys, but it has to be doesn't it. SF3: Third Strike. This may very well be helped by the fact we've just secured the CPS3 board for our cabinet.


      Originally posted by fuse
      Rock's stage! I still remember the first time I heard that, a definite moment.

      Garou's up there with the big boys, but it has to be doesn't it. SF3: Third Strike. This may very well be helped by the fact we've just secured the CPS3 board for our cabinet.
      My wife picked up on the Robert Miles thing - she was really angry because it is one of her faves.

      Never liked 3rd Strike much, mainly because I am so crap at it. I am reasonable at Zero III, but most people (including Fuse here) can and have beaten me. I think I gave John Szczepaniak and Strider a going over though, when we were at the arcade.


        Street Fighter 2 Turbo Hyper Fighting - It's my favourite becasue I have the most fondest memories of this game.

        As well as arcades, even chip shops back in the day had a Street Fighter 2 cab of some sort and I used to spend all my pocket/dinner money playing it during my school lunch break and after school. There would always be loads of people crowding round a Street fighter 2 cab meaning that you would always get a challenge. Those were the days...


          not sure really there are so many......

          real bout fatal fury 2 i really like it just had a sense of impact when blows connected that even doing simple combos were satisfying

          i think the fist of the north star game might change my opinion next year though


            Street Fighter 2 Turbo - love the ridiculous pace, & it's SF, so as playable as ever.

            Sorts the men from the boys...


              Ridge Racer 2! ERmmm no I mean SFII: CE.


                ack, no way in hell I can answer this easily

                uhm, uh

                I honestly don't know, sf2 ww, kof98, last blade are up there though


                  Easy for me this one, SFII, no doubt - the hype and excitement that accompanied the release of this on the SNES/SFC is something I will never forget and I have never experienced since. Who could forget the prices charged on import too. Played it for hours and hours and hours.


                    International Karate, hours and hours and hours spent battling with me and a mate and then when IK+ came out, playing against 2 opponents many, many, ......ramble........mumble......drool..........

                    Anyway, i know, they go back a long way but hey, the first real one on one fighter i'd ever played.


                      Ninja Masters
                      I got really good at this and so did my brother. He would always pick the guy with double knives and I would pick the guy with the lightsaber. I always won.....not. But anyways we played a lot of fighters on the neo geo, like kabuki clash, KOF etc, but we always went back to playing Ninja masters after a while. great characters, great moves, super responsive, what more can I say?


                        Street Fighter II, obviously


                          Well this one's an easy choice for me.

                          SF3 3rd Strike all the way baby.

                          Let it get under your skin and you'll soon realise there's no contest.


                            I was gonna go SF2 till I saw that post about IK+.

                            I actually played it emulated on my xbox the other week and it's still very, very playable.

                            Stunning stuff - Gets my vote although strictly speaking it's a 1 on 1 on 1 fighter


                              Ha, that's easy! SF2T

