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Retro consoles & HDTV

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    Retro consoles & HDTV

    I really dont know anything much about hdtv's but i have heard retro games looking terrible on hdtv Is this true? And is there a solution to this problem? Id really like to get a hdtv in 07 but this problem is putting me off, i dont have the space to keep a crt set for retro gaming as well.
    Last edited by SuperDanX; 08-12-2006, 07:12.

    Nah they can actually look really great... but do NOT get a cheap budget one, you must be prepared to target more mid-range and get one with a decent scaler, decent deinterlacer, decent image processor etc.

    You can get the Sony Bravia KDL-26S2030 for ?615 and that's really the lowest price you should be targetting. Really gorgeous pixel-perfect image for SD consoles, I have the 32" version myself and love it.


      I have a 50" HD Sony and it's great, sure there is the issue of seeing games far bigger than they ever were designed to be, but a 50" Axelay session is ace. As Jake says, it's mostly down to the quality of the inbuilt scaler. Of course there is nothing to stop you running an external upscaler, but (imo) I'd rather put that money into a decent TV.


        Originally posted by Shakey_Jake33
        Nah they can actually look really great... but do NOT get a cheap budget one, you must be prepared to target more mid-range and get one with a decent scaler, decent deinterlacer, decent image processor etc.

        You can get the Sony Bravia KDL-26S2030 for ?615 and that's really the lowest price you should be targetting. Really gorgeous pixel-perfect image for SD consoles, I have the 32" version myself and love it.
        really? Thats great news not that ive the money at the momment but my budget would be around ?600 to ?700, so thats ok i guess thanks


          I was wondering the same thing, what about the 32" Samsungs will they look good with retro on them?

          Ive heard that getting an XRGB would greatly improve using retro on an LCD HDTV, is this true and does anyone know where XRGB's can be obtained? Is a man in Japan the best place to get them or is there anywhere online?


            Originally posted by chaoticjelly
            I was wondering the same thing, what about the 32" Samsungs will they look good with retro on them?
            I would flat out avoid the samsungs if you intend to run anything that isn't High definition. Nasty


              Originally posted by EvilBoris
              I would flat out avoid the samsungs if you intend to run anything that isn't High definition. Nasty
              I've got a Samsung LE32R41BD and can vouch for its poor picture with anything other than HD for gaming; it doesn't cope well displaying games that weren't designed with such a high resolution in mind. Regular Sky and upscaled DVDs look fine though, and of course HD content is the winner.


                Indeed, I had the same TV and when I got a new one last month I was shocked at the difference in quality. I thought that all LCD were gonna be as bad as the Samsung.


                  Whats an XRGB?


                    I think its an external scaling device.


                      I've got a 50inch Samsung DLP and all my consoles before the dreamcast run like absolute gash . It's hard to explain but it's almost as if frames are being skipped because everyhthing runs far faster than it would do. Interestingly though, a chipped xbox and emulated games work fine...

                      I've no idea what it's doing different, but my mate bought his wii round the other day and we couldn't play Donkey Kong Country because it was unplayable


                        Does it not Handle 50hz very well or something?


                          Originally posted by EvilBoris
                          Does it not Handle 50hz very well or something?
                          that's the only thing I can think of. For example, PC Kid on the VC ran fine. On the other hand though, I have a Jap Saturn and it suffers from exactly the same problem


                            what model is it?


                              It's this one

                              Last edited by Strider; 11-12-2006, 17:09.

