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what are the best rock/megaman games ?

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    what are the best rock/megaman games ?

    there are just so many now

    i did play rockman and forte which i thought was pretty good

    Just get them all and decide for yourself

    Megaman Anniversary Collection
    Megaman X Collection

    Most of the good ones are probably in those compilations.


      I personally enjoyed Rockman / Megaman ZX for the DS.


        The Battle Network games aren't too bad, although the series has been going on for a little to long now.

        And Rockman X4 for the saturn is good. Other than that I havn't really had much experience with the series.

        Edit: The Megaman Legends games on the PSX aren't too shabby iirc. Good few years since I played them though!


          Not quite retro but the psp's Powered Up is great


            Yeah you can't go too wrong with most of the Megaman games.

            All the original series games are great games as for the X series avoid X5 onwards as the series has been rather poor since then.

            Megaman X Command Mission is very good however and for a different take on the franchise I would recommend playing at least one of the Zero and Transmissions series games on the GBA.

            Too this day I still think the best game was Megaman X, the collections are the best way too play them at the minute, but a word of warning the emulation was rather poor on the Anniversary Collection. It also features a port of the Playstation version of Megaman 8 not the superior Saturn version, which has a couple of bonus bosses battles not featured in the PS version. A fact the idiot in the G4 video of the Anniversary Collection clearly doesn’t know about.

            But both collections are well worth picking up and save a lot of time and trouble compared too if you tried to track the games down in their original format.

            My brother picked up Megaman ZX last week, which just the graphic’s of Zero but plays like Castlevania and Metroid.

            I too also have a soft spot for Megaman Legends/64.

            Oh and anyone who can't complete a Megaman game in a day deserves to be shot, they are some of the easiest games out there. If anyone calls these games hard they should be ashamed of their gaming skill.
            Last edited by S3M; 01-01-2007, 14:53.


              Originally posted by S3M View Post
              If anyone calls these games hard they should be ashamed of their gaming skill.
              Ha, the weird thing is that millions of people seem to think they're almost impossible. Perhaps there are just a lot of chaps out there who don't know how to change weapons! Dr. Wily was pretty ridiculous at the end of Mega Man 7, mind you.

              For me, Mega Man 3 and Mega Man X3/4 represent the best work those teams have ever done. All the old stuff is so closely matched, though, so I guess your favourite just depends on which one you spent the most time with - no point in discussing superior art or music in either one, hehe. Oddly, though, Inafune seems to regard MM3 as a failure. Everything else can get to ****, really. The Zero games were great, but all this Battle Network guff is incredibly alienating...

              To be fair about the talking heads thing on the Anniversary Collection, most of those people clearly hadn't played any of the games since they were 5.

              Unfortunately I've never been able to play through Legends, as while my disc is pretty much immaculate, my PSone doesn't load up any of the doors! Rather than having a bunch of holes to run through, however, I have a bunch of completely impassable, invisible barriers! I don't suppose anyone knows how to fix it? I'm guessing it's because I actually run this game via a Breaker Pro disc, or something.
              Last edited by Klatrymadon; 01-01-2007, 15:27.


                Originally posted by Klatrymadon View Post
                Ha, the weird thing is that millions of people seem to think they're almost impossible. Perhaps there are just a lot of chaps out there who don't know how to change weapons! Dr. Wily was pretty ridiculous at the end of Mega Man 7, mind you.

                For me, Mega Man 3 and Mega Man X3/4 represent the best work those teams have ever done. All the old stuff is so closely matched, though, so I guess your favourite just depends on which one you spent the most time with - no point in discussing superior art or music in either one, hehe. Oddly, though, Inafune seems to regard MM3 as a failure. Everything else can get to ****, really. The Zero games were great, but all this Battle Network guff is incredibly alienating...

                To be fair about the talking heads thing on the Anniversary Collection, most of those people clearly hadn't played any of the games since they were 5.

                Unfortunately I've never been able to play through Legends, as while my disc is pretty much immaculate, my PSone doesn't load up any of the doors! Rather than having a bunch of holes to run through, however, I have a bunch of completely impassable, invisible barriers! I don't suppose anyone knows how to fix it? I'm guessing it's because I actually run this game via a Breaker Pro disc, or something.
                Yeah Dr. Wily was rather hard at the end of Mega Man 7, I think the hardiest final boss for me is fighting Dr Wily In Megaman & Bass, as Bass.

                MMX3/4 are the best in the X series in terms of design and gamplay improvement. I just really liked the story in the first X game and Vile is just so cool in the first game.

                MM3 I would agree is one of the better NES one’s and I also liked MM7 and MM&B.

                Legends is well worth playing if you can fix your problem with it. I picked up the N64 versions of Legends and have enjoyed what I’ve played so far.

                Always nice to speak to a fellow Megaman fan.


                  One of my best friends is a huge Mega Man fan. I remember we both played no7 on the Super Nintendo, and it was supremely excellent in all departments.

                  He often mentioned the early PS1 releases were good. I can't remember which ones though.

                  Mega Man games are usually tough going. I guess that's part of the appeal.

                  Mega Man 7 is the best I've played.


                    Ultra-geek time: I can't quite remember how to trigger it, but you can actually have a version of the Ghouls 'n' Ghosts theme playing on Shade Man's level.

                    Top Man deserves a special mention for having his weapon appear in Twilight Princess, hehe. :P

                    Would you chaps say ZX is worth picking up, then? I'm a Metroid zealot, so there's no worries if it's a bit non-linear, but it'd be nice if it was at least as much of a challenge as the Zero titles, or X8 (which seems to be fairly underrated)...
                    Last edited by Klatrymadon; 01-01-2007, 21:08.


                      I'm a long time Mega Man fan. The first game I ever bought for the NES (SMB came with the system) was Mega Man 2. I'm particularly fond of the music. My personal favorites are:

                      Mega Man 2
                      Mega Man 3
                      Mega Man 4
                      Mega Man X
                      Mega Man X3
                      Mega Man X4
                      Mega Man X8 (I enjoyed it...)
                      Rockman & Forte (For SFC, not the GBA remake)
                      Mega Man Battle Network 3

                      Almost all Mega Man games are good. I've played all of them (except the GB ones.) Those were the ones that were notable in the innovations department. The 2D in X7 isn't good.

                      I hear the ZX is good according to some reviews. Why so?
                      Last edited by danholo; 02-01-2007, 00:38.


                        I hear the ZX is good according to some reviews. Why so?
                        I got ZX over Christmas and i'm loving it. Seems a lot like a followon from the Zero series but without the things that annoyed me about it - such as leveling up weapons and those dumb cyber elf things. The world is a lot more explorable too, it's more one continuous map which you need to backtrack through.

                        As gimmicky as the transforming aspect sounds it's kind of fun, and adds a metroidish aspect of being able to get to areas you couldn't previously. It's also a good bit more longlasting than other Megaman games i've played - 6 hoursish in and don't feel i'm near the end yet.

                        Significantly large Megaman fan here too. X4 and Legends 1+2 were pretty much my introduction into the series and will remain my favourite entries. It's somewhat better to imagine X5 and 6 as two halves of a whole - more or less the same game only with their own exclusive little gimmicks. Plus the plot follows on exactly from the quite dramatic end to X5.

                        The Gamecube's Network Transmission really isnt that bad a game - very much similar to the NES games in difficulty though, which turned a lot of people off it. Add to that Battle Network isnt a lot of people's cup of tea - I only played the first GBA game myself and Transmission follows on straight after it. It's an enjoyable game though that sticks more to the roots than the 3d X games.


                          I must admit to loving Rockman 1 on the Famicom, it's the first game I remember playing and thinking how great games were !!

                          I'm not a massive fan of the latter series, like the GBA titles, but I try to collect the original style when I can find them in decent condition.

                          Here's a small sample:

                          Last edited by Lord Of Swede; 08-01-2007, 12:35.

