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ANOTHER!! Dreamcast Shooter is coming March 8th - Karasu

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    Originally posted by Yakumo View Post now have the special edition of Karasu / Crows up for order and at the moment it looks like we are the only ones

    Special Edition version comes with FREE airmail shipping.

    FREE Retro Core Dreamcast Shooting Special VOLUME 2

    Karasu / Crow telephone card

    All for only 34 GBP / 52 Euros / 68 USD


    just waiting to hear back from yakumo , got paypal waiting


      Where to you mail me too? should by mes1975(at - change for @) It's possible that your mail went in to the spam folder if I never got back to you.



        Originally posted by Yakumo View Post
        Where to you mail me too? should by mes1975(at - change for @) It's possible that your mail went in to the spam folder if I never got back to you.


        hi yeah mailed you yesterday , ill try again


          just sent you a new mail now , thanks


            For everyone who ordered from me, I'd just like to say a big thanks and let you know that all orders have been sent (a few days ago)



              Cheers Yakumo, looking forward to it.


                Have you played it much Yakumo ? I've read a few posts elsewhere that it's not as good as say Radilgy/Triggerheart Exelcia.


                  I've been quite busy the last week so I've only had a few tries on it. Played it on the TFT through VGA. Looks nice but over all I don't think it's anywhere near as good as Trigger Heart in looks, audio or playability. The game is just too confusing for me to really enjoy it. I'm more of a "get in there and blow the crap out of everything" shooter fan. Stuff like Trigger Heart, Under Defeat, Border Down and even Psyvariar 2 are the type of shooters I like.

                  Quite strange really, my top 3 most disliked DC shooters are Chaos Field, Radirgy (Like the soundtrack though) and Karasu. See a pattern?



                    Got mine just now thanks. I loved Radirgy, so hopefully this will click too. Was never convinced by Chaos Field though.


                      Originally posted by DavidHolliss View Post
                      I've read a few posts elsewhere that it's not as good as say Radilgy/Triggerheart Exelcia.
                      not played it much yet but so far would agree with that


                        Originally posted by DavidHolliss View Post
                        Have you played it much Yakumo ? I've read a few posts elsewhere that it's not as good as say Radilgy/Triggerheart Exelcia.
                        Up until an hour ago I would have said the same, arrived earlier today thanks to Yakumo, played it for about 30 mins and didn't really think much to it on first impressions, went back to it at 8.30 this evening and played it for nearly 2 hours and to be honest I really like it, probably more than Trigger Heart, it starts off a bit slow paced, but picks up by about the 3rd & 4th stage, drum & bass soundtracks good as well.
                        If anyone enjoyed Radirgy then you'll probably like this as it's pretty similar.


                          I think its the best shooter I've played in ages , its so much better than Radilgy imo. While it might excel in every area , its more than able in all the area?s , the explosions look lovely , and the bullet patters are half decent . Lovely little shooter and a great send off to a great machine


                            had a quick play does seem better then radilgy still plays very close to it though

                            anyone know how the score system works


                              How does the powerup system work?


                                i think that there the 3 circles on the left represent your weapons the shield the sword and the gun the more enemies you destory with a certain weapon that that weapon will level up (bit like radiant silvergun)

