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Worldwide market for computer-and videogame based literacy?

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    Worldwide market for computer-and videogame based literacy?

    I didn't know where I should put this, so I decided to post it here, as it is mostly retrorelated post.

    For few last months I have been wondering that would there be worldwide market computer-and videogame based literacy? I don't mean strategy guides now, but books that discuss about certain topic, such as Final Fantasy, in depth. Would there be enough demand for books like this to sell over 2000* copies worldwide?I'm not currently planning anything, but idea fascinates me for some reason. I mean, it would be extremely cool to have, for example, guide for shoot'em ups that would have history section, reviews for most important titles, etc..

    I think you mean 'computer and video game literature'. I think theres definately a market for that kind of thing, and theres been a number of books along those lines released already. Not too long ago on here people were discussing the release of a book covering the spectrum.

    I think the sort of thing your talking about is more common in japan, where there will quite often be a companion volume to a game like final fantasy, that will include what we'd see as strat guide stuff, but they go into far more detail with interviews with the developers, and backstory and other information straight from the dev team.

    I know I personally am pretty keen on the idea, Retro gamer and the like are great, but being magazines they're not really able to dedicate 100 pages to an indepth look at horizontal shooters or what have you.

    That said, they'd need to be more than just the authors opinion on a series of games, the standard of writing and research i think would have to be pretty high. I've seen some games books take heavy critisism for being very subjective and opinion based with no real meat to them.

