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Beneath a Steel Sky Discussion

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    Ahh awesome, just got back into the forum and never managed to successfully take part in one of these when they started. Got this on the cover of Retro Gamer a few years ago, might give it a go before I go out.


      I used to have this on CD32 years back after the hype had abated a bit. Pretty good game but very overrated.

      Now, Grim Fandango, there's a point n' clicker...


        I missed this back in the day, mainly because I never really "got" point and click games. I have trouble working out what to do and end up trying everything, putting sandwiches on scanners etc, you never know )
        The bit that Brats mentioned near the beginning flummoxed me, I had to read a tip in the end to proceed. I'm playing on a touchscreen device (Nokia N800) which does make scanning for small objects a bit harder (you have to click drag and try not to click on anything that will start an interaction).

        Anyway, I am enjoying it. The dialog has me chuckling along, especially the random British swearing


          Well i caved and finally went to Gamefaqs lol! I got stuck and missed an object. Then i got pissed off again cos i was not pixel perfect enough to see a small dot on teh screen and went games faqs again, then i went one more time cos i didnt realise that a terminal was accessable because it didnt look like the typical terminal! grr....... i spent ages on this in the beginning, but ive lost my rag and jus want to get it done now.



            I remember playing this in Summer 2003, just after it became freeware. Never finished it though due to what I think was as bug. Was really addictive.


              Originally posted by JazzFunk View Post
              Pretty good game but very overrated.
              stfu you know nothing....


                Does this game star a patent attorney? I read somewhere that it did.


                  finished this on scummvm for the PSP. Enjoyed it very much. and now im gonna play my 10 year old copy of day of the tentacle and finally complete it :-) or maybe the copy of Full throttle i picked up from a charity shop the other day for ?2.50 english.

                  all because of this thread :-) so thanks.

                  no attourney i found.


                    Finally giving this a try (I have no motivation lately), okay it took a quick look at gamefaqs to find out that I wasn't meant to have any kind of a menu and all I can do is use 2 mouse buttons, that's not cheating that's just instructions

                    Still he doesn't seem to wanna get down off that walkway...

                    EDIT: I'm so stupid, I was meant to right-click them. I think my brain's fallen out.


                      That little speck on the screen you guys were talking about, is that

                      a nut I need to find to fix the transport robot?

                      spoiler space just incase, I'm only at the very beginning though

                      EDIT: I got it, no more cheating from now though.
                      Last edited by stainboy; 12-05-2007, 18:40.


                        Just noticed the banner in the insurance place




                            I've totally neglected this. Forza2 demo has put everything else on hold. It's half way through the month, so I need to get back on the BaSS case asap.


                              Stuck again, why am I so tempted by walk thrus?!

                              I've been to

                              Lamb's flat to feed his pussy (sniggerx1000), picked up a video tape and not sure what to do now.


                                Argh, the FAQs keep telling me things I thought I'd done anyway but either hadn't or hadn't done exactly right.

