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Street Fighter EX

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    Street Fighter EX

    Hey guys basically i was wondering what everyone thinks of the EX games or specifically EX2 Plus and EX3.

    I remember i purchased EX3 on a whim years ago cause it was a Street Fighter game id never heard of and it looked ok. Well i loved it always thought it was a bloody great game, but the EX games seem to be the weird siblings of the SF family that no one wants to talk about lol.

    So did anyone else enjoy these games and like me want to see a next gen version be made, or are you of the opinion that they sucked and SF should only be 2D.

    I absolutely loved the first back in the day, thought it was an excellent offshoot of the franchise, though it's been a very long time since i played it.
    Was very disappointed with the 3rd game on PS2, it just felt really lightweight and a real bare-bones package.
    Have yet to play the 2nd game, though that's about to change as i have a copy on it's way to me as i type


      The EX Series. Something of an acquired taste all right. To my knowledge it firmly divided the SF community down the middle - and while it may have had Ni****ani's involvement, it was never the major hit Capcom hoped it would be. This was possibly due to the fact that it just didn't feel enough like traditional SF for the hardcore fans and because it employed the SF mechanics (projectile attacks, Supers etc.) it didn't appeal to Tekken or VF heads.

      However, as a longtime SF fan, I enjoyed it - well the first one at least.
      The character roster was solid with Blair and Skullomania as standouts (they really should have been 2D-ified), a superb soundtrack (possibly the last decent soundtrack in a fighter) and it had an excellent training mode also. The real bone of contention for some - the gameplay - actually felt refreshing and offered scope for some truly fantastic combo strings.

      The second outing was something of a step-down in quality, in my opinion. Although SF2 favourites such as Blanka and Sagat entered the fray, original character design was uninspired and too far removed from conventional SF design resulting in a fairly incongruous lineup. The soundtrack was poor by comparison and the gameplay was augmented with the bastard offspring of the Custom Combo. All in all, ugh!

      As for the third iteration, one look at the two on two combat and create- a-character mode was enough to quench any enthusiasm that I may have had for it.

      At least we may take some cold comfort in the way that the Rival Schools series carries some of the soul of the original. Where's the PS2 collection of that, eh, Capcom?
      Last edited by Orenokachida!; 13-05-2007, 19:06. Reason: error


        I've had them on the PSX and I have them currently running under Zinc.

        My opinion of this series is: crap. I don't like it at all. When SFEX1 got released on the PS, I was psyched. 3D was big at that time and an SF 3D sounded like a dream. After playing this game much, I finally realised "2D isn't inferior". I quickly became addicted to the likes of SFZ2 again and my love for 2D fighters was back. I hated the corny line up, I disliked characters as Volcano Rosso, Area, Cracker Jack and Skullomania. The controls were unresponsive as was the timing of jumping etc. It was also pretty much 2d after all, except for some fancy camerawork during throws.. so what was the point in playing this in favor of SFZ?


          I played a couple of them back in the day, and I wasn't impressed. They feel too heavy and lack finesse. 32-Bit 3D fighters were usually poor, with only a few being winners. SF:EX doesn't come close to the Tekkens, Virtua Fighters, Soul Edge games for the 32bit machines.

          At least they make me appreciate the 2D versions even more.


            I was really into the SF ex games back when they were released. I think they are alot better than most people give them credit for. The first game looks really rough but plays very well. I spent most time playing EX 2 which I think is a hell of alot better that the first game. The backgrounds are an utter wasteland of crapness but the character roster and gameplay was great for the time. What I liked most about it back then was the combo system which allowed you to do huge strings of moves from just a tiny opening. Now I'm not so sure, it's seems pretty cheap to be able to jump in land a flying kick then go sweep, fireball, super fireball, super whirl kick and take off more than half a life bar of with very little skill and no need for a hit confirm.

            EX 3 I only played briefly, the graphics finally looked decent but the stupid tag team element put me right off, I hate it as a feaure in any beat em up, and you can't turn it off. I agree with the second poster, some of the characters really should have carried over into other series as they were pretty cool; like Pullum, Blair, Skullo, Darun, etc...

            I don't know if I'd bother playing the series again though. All my versus time has been eaten up by the majestic SF3 for the last 3 or 4 years. It raised the bar so much as to make all other 2D fighting games pretty irrelevant imo. On a side note, after going back to play earlier SF games the single most annoyong feature is the lack of forward and backward dashes. Having to plod around without agility or surpriise is a huge pain in the ass and feels primitive. I can't believe Capcom took until SF3 to implement it when SNK games had right off the bat with games like Fatal Fury 1 and KOF 94.

            Come on Capcom, we want more 2D fighting game perfection, if you can't do it, no one can.
            Last edited by moonwhistle; 13-05-2007, 20:39.


              Yeah i see where people are coming from, they were deffinetly pretty slugish games. I really would love a new one but it clearly isnt going to happen.

              Id love to see a successor to SF3 which featured some of the EX characters tho. I could see Skullomania, Doctine Dark and Cracker Jack really being cool in a new 2D game.


                I also didn't like those hands getting bigger during moves, at least, that was in this game right?

                I might've mixed it up with Final Fight Revenge.


                  I quite liked the Street Fighter EX games [EX and EX2 that is, I've never played EX3] back in the day. I loved the super cancelling and couldn't get enough of it back in the day at the arcades.

                  However, after playing the EX and EX2 games on Zinc recently, I've come to realise that they just haven't aged well. Not only do the graphics look dated, the games also feel rather "clunky" to play.
                  Last edited by Kongster; 15-05-2007, 11:49.


                    EX2+ actually had a hardcore fanbase here in Japan with one of the best TK players being the champ. Personally, I have the ZN-2 board and find it to be decent fun but balance is a whole another issue (not like Capcom fighters are ever that balanced...).


                      Yeah some cool characters and music, that's about it unfortunately.


                        Originally posted by Orenokachida! View Post
                        The EX Series. Something of an acquired taste all right. To my knowledge it firmly divided the SF community down the middle - and while it may have had Ni****ani's involvement, it was never the major hit Capcom hoped it would be. This was possibly due to the fact that it just didn't feel enough like traditional SF for the hardcore fans and because it employed the SF mechanics (projectile attacks, Supers etc.) it didn't appeal to Tekken or VF heads.

                        However, as a longtime SF fan, I enjoyed it - well the first one at least.
                        The character roster was solid with Blair and Skullomania as standouts (they really should have been 2D-ified), a superb soundtrack (possibly the last decent soundtrack in a fighter) and it had an excellent training mode also. The real bone of contention for some - the gameplay - actually felt refreshing and offered scope for some truly fantastic combo strings.

                        The second outing was something of a step-down in quality, in my opinion. Although SF2 favourites such as Blanka and Sagat entered the fray, original character design was uninspired and too far removed from conventional SF design resulting in a fairly incongruous lineup. The soundtrack was poor by comparison and the gameplay was augmented with the bastard offspring of the Custom Combo. All in all, ugh!

                        As for the third iteration, one look at the two on two combat and create- a-character mode was enough to quench any enthusiasm that I may have had for it.

                        At least we may take some cold comfort in the way that the Rival Schools series carries some of the soul of the original. Where's the PS2 collection of that, eh, Capcom?

                        The soundtrack on this game is stunning. Hell, i even listen to it of cd.


                          The first one was decent - nice soundtrack, some great characters for sure. But it was ruined by that big feller with all the spikes coming out of him. A mate and I rinsed this game to the tits back when it came out, and found that if you chose him, it was virtually impossible to lose. Try it - I am sure I am not the only one who found this. That Skull guy was annoying as well, the noises he makes. Rival Schools ftw


                            i always liked the EX series think it was the first game that i enjoyed particularly the training mode with some amazing stuff possible


                              I loved SF EX too. I especially loved the combo challenges!
                              I remember doing them all!

