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Classic Sega Games

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    Classic Sega Games

    What was your favourite Sega game from the Master System and Mega Drive days?

    Maximum of two per poster- a winner and a runner up.

    I would have to say: runner up Shinobi - best version, the Master System. The one where he has to rescue those pink tied-up hostages before clearing a level, and the bonus level has those shelf-jumping ninjas. Still great fun.

    Winner - the amazing Out Run. Great game, far better than its sequels (at least until the X-box and later updates) which is still a blast today. The only thing I will never understand is how some people apparently prefer the other tracks to Splash Wave.

    What old sega games would you pick?

    MS - R-Type, best shooter on the system.
    Castle Of Illusion, better than the MD version. IMHO one the greatest platformers of all time.

    MD - Sonic 2, so much fun and amazing replayability. Bit of a technical showcase for the MD at the time as well.
    Thunderforce IV, hard to believe this ran on an old home console. A little slice of arcade heaven at home. Good difficutly curve, nice variety in the weapons and the best intro on the MD.


      MS - Wonderboy III Dragon's Trap. Amazing then, amazing now.

      MD - Gunstar Heroes. Unbelievable then. Legendary now and still one of the most playable games of all time. 16 Bit perfection.


        MS - Runner up : The good for so cheap/
        - Winner : Mickey Mouse COI, as above, dunno if better than the MD game but equally great.

        MD - Runner up : Super Shinobi.........terrible beat!
        - Winner : Sonic 2. Nuff & said.


          MS - WonderBoy
          I think I played that game more than any other MS game I've owned , and still to this day fire the game up . I don't think the gameplay will ever age .
          I remember when I 1st got the game and MS for Chritsmas when the MS 1st came out on Pal. My and my brother played Wonderboy till 3am Christmas/Boxing Day morning , and we onlt stoped because mum came down and swtiched the machine off . Have to laugh my mum jumped at how warm the plug was ,we were playing the system for so long .

          Runner Up - California Games
          Oh hands down one of the best multi player games ever made, and the MS version is the best of the lot . One of the few games you can have a house full of mates and you only play one game .

          Mega Drive - Revenge Of Shinobi The closest anyone every got to making a game as good as Mario IV imo . Its almost sheer pefection, I've lost count of the hours I've lost playing the game, and I never ever tire of it
          Playing this Christmas morning with just me and my Staffordshire Bull Terrier , being the only ones up, is one of my most Treasured moments ever.
          In fact still to this day I have the Mega Drive box and all the wrappings ect , with my sadly long gone dog?s foot steps on I?ll never get rid of it , for as long as live . It? s that?s moment that made me keep game/console boxes
          Oh and the music is to die for .

          Runner Up - John Madden/92 Boy its hard to pick out the MD line up (there's so many gems) , but JM has to win it for me Only Street Fighter II has come close to the Rivalry and marathon gaming sessions with mates this would produce.
          I was just starting comprehensive at the time and it was bit scary moving from my Junior school in the Welsh Hills to the big city, that was Comprehensive , well good old JA help ease all that
          I made countless new friends (most of which are freinds to this day) just through word of mouth about this amazing game, and everybody wanting to come back to my house to see what all the fuss what about (most were ST or Amgia fans too) , . It was like Revolution, everybody I knew would want to play or just sit and watch us playing John Madden, and singled handily got us all in to NFL, and made 90% of my scholl form play American Football in the dinner breaks ect (and I'm not making that up) . I?ve never ever seen any game have that effect on people, bar SF II


          I'll have to Add Mega CD as well

          Mega CD- Lunar Oh man still the best RPG I ever had the pleasure to play , with the best story and cast of characters , not even Saga comes close to this, and the music is to die for . A masterpiece in every sence of the word

          Runner Up - Batman Returns Well it was either this or Swtich , but I went with Batman for sheer number of hours played , I still play this now . It was to piss me off how every mag went on about Thunder Hawk as the game to show what the Mega CD could do, sure it looked great , but it coukdn't hold a candle to what John O'Brien was gettting out of the Mega CD, Incredible scaling and the most solid building I had ever seen in a racer outside the Arcade, in fact even now the game engine looks better than most GBA games. Such a shame SOA never singed John o ?Brien to port Power Drift, Outrun, Super Hang-On to the Mega CD using his engine, instead of wasting all the money on the FMV route. Oh and special mention must also go to the soundtrack, which?s sheer class


            My best game is shining force megadrive
            runner up is fantasic dizzy


              Sorry to be boring but...

              MS: R-Type. Absolutely amazing conversion on such a basic machine. Still playable today, and in some ways 'feels' better than the one on PS1 R-Types.

              Runner-up: Wonderboy 3: The Dragon's Trap. Like Monster Land but better-looking, deeper, longer, more complex, and with the ability to save!

              MD: Super Shinobi/Revenge Of Shinobi. I can't believe they crammed so much into such a small cartridge. Still some of the best tunes around, loads of memorable levels, infinitely replayable. An early MD game but my fave one of all time.

              Runner-up: Shinobi 3. An amazing sequel with massively refined control, beautiful graphics great music, but just slightly (only slightly) lacks the overall feeling of 'complete magic' of the first game, despite Joe being an absolute slick joy to control.
              Last edited by JazzFunk; 19-05-2007, 10:23.


                Feel the love for Megadrive Shinobi.

                Seems nobody else agrees that the MS version was better.


                  ^MS version was great, no doubt, but the MD versions had a different 'feel' to the arcade/MS versions. I guess Shadow Dancer would be more comparable.


                    I was bought a Master System when I was really small. I remember liking Outrun. I don't really have much more to say on that.

                    My two favourite MegaDrive games?

                    1. Sonic 1

                    2. Castle Of Illusion

                    Those were the first games I got for the MD, and they totally captivated me. The fact that they still offer a lot of enjoyment, makes them my favourite MD games.


                      never had a master systems so i cant comment on that system

                      runner up
                      shadow dancer

                      revenge of shinobi

                      best non sega games

                      runner up
                      Chiki Chiki boys

                      Championship RC pro am

                      maybe Rollo to the rescue


                        I never played many Master System games, but as I have a Game Gear and have some of the GG/SMS games I'd say that...

                        Master System
                        Runner Up: Sonic & Tails
                        Winner: Bare Knuckle II

                        Mega Drive
                        Runner Up: Bare Knuckle II
                        Winner: Sonic & Knuckles (with Sonic 3 locked on )
                        Last edited by SegaMark; 23-05-2007, 14:04.


                          Runner up: Sonic Chaos (the best 8-bit Sonic)
                          Winner: Shinobi (I felt it was more accesible than Revenge)

                          Runner up: Shinobi 3 (awesome to da bone)
                          Winner: Sonic 3 + knuckles (the perfect Sonic game)

                          MD was EXTREMELY hard, because SoR2, SoR3, Probotector, Alien Soldier and Gunstar all deserved the runner up spot. That all 4 games are either a Sonic or Shinobi is purely coincidence, I'm not a hardcore fan of both series.


                            Originally posted by Baseley09 View Post
                            MS - Runner up : The good for so cheap/
                            - Winner : Mickey Mouse COI, as above, dunno if better than the MD game but equally great.

                            MD - Runner up : Super Shinobi.........terrible beat!
                            - Winner : Sonic 2. Nuff & said.
                            Glad someone else liked The Ninja it was a wee gem. My mates used to slag me for playing it but I didn't care it was a bargain.


                              Master System:
                              Runner up - Pit Pot - really fun and relatively little-appreciated maze-collect/explore 'em up originally released on a MyCard in Japan and bundled on a 2-in-1 cart with Astro Warrior in Europe.

                              Winner - Fantasy Zone 1 & 2 - it's hard to pick between the two, since they're both fantastic conversions. While it can be argued that the sequel expands and improves most areas, there's still something about the simplicity of the original that I love.

                              Honourable mentions to Power Strike 1 & 2, WB3, Psycho Fox, Bubble Bobble & Master of Darkness.

