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Can I play import games on my UK NES ?

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    Can I play import games on my UK NES ?

    Hiya all! *waves*

    Just a quickie for ya (I hope)!

    I've got a uk NES that I love to bits and have an opportunity to pickup some NES games from America. Do you know if it's possible to play these games on my NES? Or will I need an adapter? Or perhaps I'll have to buy a US NES?

    Any help is very appreciated.

    Stay cool,


    Region lock-out chip will see to not playing the US games. You can open the NES and clip one pin of the chip to get past this issue though. Having said that, some NTSC NES games do not run properly on a PAL NES, I've seen that myself. Frankly you'd be best getting a US NES.
    Lie with passion and be forever damned...


      Cut pin 4 of the lockout chip in the NES, its at location U10.

      It should let you play nearly all American NES games.

      For more info:

      Very easy to do and well worth it..


        Ok, wow, thanks for the very quick and excellent replies.

        I think it'll prolly be easier for me to pickup a US NES in that case because I don't trust my mod'ing skills

        Thanks again and stay cool,



          Except, as mentioned, I've seen plenty of US games not work properly on a PAL NES, especially those from about 1989 onwards. All to do with the way they are programmed to display the picture, timing issues. It can be a real mess. Getting a US NES can be very cheap, if you can find someone selling one!
          Lie with passion and be forever damned...


            You might aswell just do the mod dude! , who knows it might work perfect for the games you want and save you time and money.


              I tried several games on a NES with the CIC chip pin 4 cut, and they worked flawlessly.. I suppose what I was trying to say is what pilotwings is saying.. you could try the mod, and if they work then you've saved yourself a lot of moola..

              Good luck whatever you decide!

              PS: Mayhem, you seem quite knowledgeable about this. What are the main differences between a UK NES and a US NES. Of course the speed is different, but what distinguishes the two hardware-wise? Is it just a crystal oscillator or what?


                Wow, I didn't expect so much kind and knowledgeable help - Thank you all.

                Hmm, I'm kinda considering modifying my own one now. I do have to replace the 80pin cartridge adapter now as it is doing the blue bouncy screen of death anyhow; So I guess I'll have a look at the chip and see if it's something I'd be up for doing.

                Looking on ebay, a second hand USA NES is quite cheap so I may get that if I bottle out of doing it

                Am really hoping to pickup Final Fantasy 1, Zelda 1 and 2 because they were games I had heard about back in the day but never got chance to play them for whatever reason.

                Before my UK NES started blue-screening, I had been mashing through Super Mario Bros 3 (again!) and swearing at (but still loving) Tetris :>

                Anyhow, I'd best get on, but thanks again all - You rule! *bows*

                Take care,



                  Originally posted by chaoticjelly View Post
                  PS: Mayhem, you seem quite knowledgeable about this. What are the main differences between a UK NES and a US NES. Of course the speed is different, but what distinguishes the two hardware-wise? Is it just a crystal oscillator or what?
                  I think the graphics chip is different for starters... I'm not completely au fait with the NES hardware but I've played enough games on both machines to see what can happen. I think many NTSC games I've tried on PAL NES have been coded for the 60Hz speed and number of scanlines of NTSC TVs, which screw up when trying to synch on a PAL NES. Maybe a bit like the differences between the VIC chips in NTSC and PAL C64s.
                  Lie with passion and be forever damned...


                    Be warned I have heard that modding the lockout chip. Will stop some very late pal nes games form working. Kirby is one game in questions. It checks the nes to see if the region chip is working.

