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Shenmue I and II - where to get them?

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    Shenmue I and II - where to get them?

    Any particular difference between versions on this Dreamcast game?

    I presume it's easily available on ebay. Anywhere else?

    Jesus Christ I love Shenmue. I would join in on this but I fear; after buying yet another Dreamcast and copy of the game that my Dreamcast buying craziness will kick off again. My bank account couldn't be doing with that tbph. But yeah cheap as chips on ebay.


      Aww. I'd prefer Shenmue 2. Anyway, we could do like a joint venture?!


        Yeah. Both of them. Why not.


          loved shenmu, fond memorys.

          Awesome stuff!

          Wish they re-made 1 and 2 on 360 or PC.. and then finished off with 3.

          Have a 3 box gift set, it wouod sell by the millions!


            Is Shenmue 2 backwards compatible on the 360?
            Now I've sold it I bet it is.


              Lol, yes it is now. I have 'em both on the ol' Dreamcast, not played 2 yet though.


                Yes, finally, Shenmue!

                Bad timing though there's so much to play right now!

                I'm half way through a replay I started earlier in the year, so this gives me an excuse to carry on. I've just got into the tattoo place.


                  I have unwrapped Mass Effect and Stranglehold, with Mario G and Halo 3 on the go...oh dont forget Metriod Prime 3...oh and Zelda...Oh yeah I forgot about....*tails off*


                    Excellent, just started to play through this yet again today.

                    As for comparisons, overall shenmue 2 was much more of a complete game, although it doesn't have the charm or the involved setting of the first game.

                    Plus the 1st is dirt cheap so you have to pick it up if you own a DC, non of this watching the shenmue 'movie' bollocks!


                      Anyone know if you can use the japanese voice acting with subtitles in the xbox version of shenmue2? Just recently finished the first game and the voice acting at times was disgusting. Already finished shenmue 2 ages ago on dreamcast but i'd prefer to get the xbox version this time.


                        Nope it's American "I See" all the way.


                          aww that is truly devastating. already have bought the xbox version assuming it would still have jpn voices so may have to sell it on and get the dc version again. gah.


                            Originally posted by jimmbob View Post
                            Nope it's American "I See" all the way.
                            That made me laugh.

                            It's worth playing this for the kids in it alone! "Hey Mr, lets play!" "Hey Mr, let's play soccer!" "Hey Mr, you wanna wrestle!?"

                            I guess I'm easily amused.


                              anyone know where I can find some sailors?

