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Japanese versions 2D mario

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    Japanese versions 2D mario

    First of all, i'm a new member, so hello everybody!
    Check this forum daily but never really felt the need to registrer, but that day has ended now.

    Anyway, my question is: are games like super mario bros. 3 and super mario world, all-stars, easy to get in Japan? If so, how expensive am i looking for such games?

    ( sorry for my undeniable low skills in the english language )

    Very easy to get but demand keeps the price up. It'll depend on the condition and are you talking about ebay/forum prices or local? Yakumo would be the person to ask about those.


      I'm talking local prices in Japan itself. As ebay etc. tends to rip me off, happened alot..

      Yakumo? im sure he will read this


        By my understanding, all Mario Bros games are reasonable easy to acquire with only exceptions being All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros., and Kaettekita Mario Bros. But I guess that nobody except most enthusiastic collectors really interested about them.


          Yeah i am not interested in those for the time being anyway

          I'm interested in -: Super mario bros. ( NES )
          Super mario bros. USA ( NES )
          Super mario bros. 3 ( NES )
          Super mario world ( SNES )
          Super mario all-stars ( SNES )
          Yoshi's Island ( SNES )

          Maybe someone could estimate prices?



            Yakumo will probably tell you as he knows everything Check back tomorrow.

            He's DA MAN in JApAn!


              It's quite easy to take a look at the YAJ listings if you want to see Japanese prices. Would take some time though so that's something you'd have to do yourself.


                If you want complete mint copies then you will pay closer to 15-20 quid for aLl Stars, Mario 4 or Yoshi. For Mario 1, it depends upon the print but I recently saw a complete one go for 40 quid. Mario 2 on disk is fairly cheap to find, probably 10 quid at most, Mario USA you can find at many places for around 10-15 quid.


                  OK, all shops keep everything Mario related on the Famicom and Super Famicom at high prices. Mario 1 on it's original yellow cart (unboxed) still will set you back about 2000 to 3000 yen. It's a joke to be honest but that's the way it is



                    Ok, thanks for replying guys, gonna find me a guy that lives in Japan and he'll try to find some for me


                      Originally posted by Yakumo View Post
                      OK, all shops keep everything Mario related on the Famicom and Super Famicom at high prices. Mario 1 on it's original yellow cart (unboxed) still will set you back about 2000 to 3000 yen. It's a joke to be honest but that's the way it is

                      Thats not actually true. In country-bumpkin shops like GEO (for example) I have seen it for that much which surprised me. It CAN cost that, but usually in Tokyo, somewhere like Friends will charge you 500 to 800 yen for that, unboxed, depending on condition. Shops that don`t care/know will do it for 400 yen max.


                        Originally posted by warlike View Post
                        Ok, thanks for replying guys, gonna find me a guy that lives in Japan and he'll try to find some for me
                        Like Yakumo?


                          I am not so fond of people i dont really know too well, especially from the internet. I had some bad experiences with some people. I gave them some money after talking for a long time and the guy never send me the copy of his so called ''mint Yoshi's island'' for super famicom...


                            I don't know the guy either or frequent the board that much but I'd say everybody here would vouch for him.


                              @warlike - I'm a very nice guy Got a perfect feedback on Ebay (hardly use it mind you) and a very nice Yahoo auctions feedback plus I'm head mod over at ASSEMblergames. Many people here and other boards buy from me oh and I'm the owner of

                              Originally posted by JAPJAC View Post
                              Thats not actually true. In country-bumpkin shops like GEO (for example)
                              GEO isn't a country-bumpkin shop It's just the same as Tsutaya (they also sell it for a lot) I guess it depends upon where you live. I've bought many things cheaper in Yamaguchi / Kita Kyushu than what I've seen them for in Tokyo and Vise versa.

                              Last edited by Yakumo; 06-12-2007, 03:50.

