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Saturn - Marvel Super Heroes Beta Sample Disc

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    Saturn - Marvel Super Heroes Beta Sample Disc

    I bought this disc from yahoo Auctions for 200 yen which was pretty good going. Thinking that it would be your average sample disc I wasn't even going to bother trying it out. Then I realized that I'd need to know what was on it for the write up on my site. So I popped the disc in to my Saturn and here's the result.

    The following text is copy and pasted from my site.

    Now this is an interesting sample disc. it seems to be made from an early build of the game. Let's take a look at some of the main points.

    1. The game speed is unstable resulting from it either running too slow or too fast. This is especially noticeable from the introduction since sometimes it will run that slow that the BGM needs to repeat it's self while at other times it finished before the BGM does.

    2. No options what so ever. There isn't even any 2 player option.

    3. No "Marvel Super Heroes" speech or sound effects on the title screen. In fact there's nothing at all.

    4. No pause available anywhere in the game.

    5. Only 7 characters available and one round playable.

    6. Broken A.I. that results in the CPU player continuously walking directly into you.

    7. HUD or overlaid text graphics (Whatever they're called) are all off center resulting in some text being chopped off on the right hand side.

    8. Sometimes player 2 (The CPU character) will have it's voice replaced by a beep sound.

    9. At times graphics can corrupt. This seems to be random.

    So as you can see, this is by far from finished. In fact the speed issue alone is something that should have been fixed even in a sample.

    Here's a shot of the sample disc and the retail disc.

    Below are two shots that show the off center text problem. These shots are taken on a wide screen TV in normal mode so you knwo this is the full image coming from the Saturn and not the TV displayingt he image too far right.

    In this screen shot Wolverine is broken. It's hard to tell from a screen shot but all he's doing is continuously walking left in to Spiderman. He did this until the time had ran out.

    Finally the character select screen. Nothing too interesting here apart from only 7 of the characters being present.


    Nice find Mark
    I'm a big fan of this game as I'm sure you know. Was going to ask, but see you've answered the question, if the god awful slowdown is still present even in this build. I remember C+VG mag reporting, after playing a beta build, that this was arcade perfect for the Saturn even regarding speed issues - I've wondered if any beta's had better speed issues - clearly not judging by this disc.
    Last edited by Escape-To-88; 24-02-2008, 13:48.
    3DS FC (updated 2015): 0447-8108-3129


      THis beta can be either too slow or too fast. It's random. The first time I powered it up it was way too slow. Not just the fighting section but the whole program. The 2nd time it was fine. 3rd time it was too slow again then after that it was too fast. It just does it randomly. So either CV&G were talking **** which wouldn't be a new thing or they only hada quick look at this game which just happened to be running fine. I must admitthat I didn't notice any slowdown while playing any of the rounds no matter what speed the game was running at.



        So either CV&G were talking ****
        Indeed, the term 'Arcade Perfect' in the 90's was rather broad.
        3DS FC (updated 2015): 0447-8108-3129


          Tried it with a ram cart?


            Not yet. The problem is that you never know when the RAM cart is in thanks to the ****ty cart port on the Saturn. The game doesn't have any option or screen that says if it's present or not in the final. Actually did the final use the cart'? I have a feeling it was one of those that did but could work without it such as Cyberbots or Pocket Fighter.



              Yeah it could do without, it (PAL) uses 3MB. I never noticed any difference though.


                Actually did the final use the cart'? I have a feeling it was one of those that did but could work without it such as Cyberbots or Pocket Fighter.
                Yeah made the slowdown much more apparent with the cart! Doesn't actually use a '3 meg' cart anyhow - even though that's what the option says - as it works in exactly the same way with an SNK 1meg cart....bloody Capcom. There is more animation noticable when the characters crouch more than anything e.g. Spiderman 'breathes' and bobs a little bit etc. etc.
                3DS FC (updated 2015): 0447-8108-3129


                  3MB was the total amount. The game uses the 1MB cart, or takes 1MB from the 4MB cart. The saturn itself had 2MB, so...

                  And if you check the option screen you can see that the cart is being inserted, it displays 3MB. As far as differences go, the cart added all the arcade animations so especially Hulk moved and crouched pretty cool. But since portwise this game is one big letdown, the slowdown gets even worse with the 3MB option turned on. The full game also had a broken AI and Turbo; try to alter it and it makes no changes at all.

                  This port was a huge disappointment.

                  And for Cyberbots, I couldn't really spot differences when using the RAM cart.


                    That's weird. I could've sworn mine (final) never recognised a 4meg RAM cart? I knew it was inserted okay as other games picked it up and used it, but I don't remember checking the menu to confirm this, just that it was missing frames of animation all over the shop.

