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Are you a Tetris Grand Master?

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    Are you a Tetris Grand Master?

    Just started playing the original Gameboy Tetris again, and not doing great at the moment, but hey, its early days. I remember people saying that if you can get over 200 lines then you can call yourself a Grand Master. Tetris DX does NOT count, beacause its far too easy.
    My best ever was 192 lines, and I reckoned I was in the 'zone' when I got that. I think I remember some guy in the C+VG high scores page (back in the early 90s) having acheived 220 lines. I'm sure I will beat 200 lines eventually.
    I want to know if anyone here is that good? and if so, are you human?

    Take care - Buzz

    My mum got 200 lines once before it was her first and last gaming achievement

    I think I managed to get to about 180 but never any higher.

    Gaming Gold


      I could get 212, and would pass the 200-barrier every other go. So guess that means I'm a Grand Master woohoo!!


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          We are talking about the original Tetris on the mono gameboy, arent we? My mum can get about 60 lines. You're making me feel inadequate!
          I'm sure when I last went to twin galaxies the best score was under 200. (this was about 3 years ago, though).



            i'm usually crap at games, but i did manage to get over 200 lines i think. i remember being surprised because as a kid i always assumed it would get progressively faster forever, but it doesn't. i had been playing the game exclusively for a month or two last year when i did it. i saw a video on youtube (possibly the one posted above) of a guy clocking it to 999,999,999 points, or whatever it is, which is way over 200 lines, but i'm not sure if it's legit, as i've heard it's not even possible.


              On original tetris i only managed 182 lines once. Never managed to touch that score again after.


                Originally posted by Super Monkey Balls View Post

                My mind keeps wandering into thinking about buying a candy cab, type X system and TGM3 board.

                One up on YA at the mo but the price is making me cry.

                Can't remember what my highscore on the original was. Picked up a GB pocket a while ago to start playing it again.


                  That video is pure madness. Didn't even think it was possible for anyone to play that fast!


                    There's a lot of very skilled people on YouTube playing original gameboy Tetris - I have a long way to go. I'm a bit miffed with my gameboy at the moment, I'm sure the shape selection isn't that random. I always get lots of 'squares' at once. It may be because I only play one game (each day) then turn it off, maybe the random number generator starts from the same point each time?
                    Since Gamboy Tetris doesn't speed up anymore above level 20. I reckon that if you can get above 250 lines you can call yourself a Tetris Master. Above 200 lines would be an Expert.
                    What do you think a Grandmaster would be? - possibly 300 lines, beacuse then you have proved your mastery of the game at the highest possible speed.
                    Has anyone else noticed that the game slows slightly when the pieces are stacked very high up the screen? (the game has to do more checks per frame). Unfortunately you can't really take advantage of this though.


                      the generation of pieces is not entirely random as i understand it. i'm not sure if it works on all versions, but there was at least one version of the original gameboy tetris that i got this to work on; if you move each piece from left to right as many times as possible before you place it at the bottom, it will increase the probability of getting a long thin tetramino because the game is programmed to 'help you out' when it thinks you are struggling.

