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Astro Boy: Omega Factor - Discussion

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    Can I just say this is ROCK HARD. There can't be anyone alive that's 1cc'd this.....

    Perhaps that's not the point though. Perhaps Treasure went for a different approach whereby they expect you to use lots of continues. Is it fair? It seems possible to learn the patterns, but some of the approach speeds are so quick, it's damn hard to predict when they are going to happen.


      Yeah, I'd have my doubts as to whether some sections can be learned well enough. Stuff just keeps on coming at you and some of the boss battles rely on shoving you into a corner. There was one that was really frustrating (can't remember which one), where I'd have to get from one side of the boss to the other but there were times it seemed utterly impossible due to where it was on screen and hitting it was pretty much instadeath.


        You are supposedly invincible whilst dashing, but I'd dispute that* (* I'm rubbish).


          The dash is often just short enough to land you in a worse place than where you started.


            For all you guys on the 6 armed robot I can't offer anything constructive (Its been at least a year since i aced this), just be wary the next boss is even harder

            Pluto= Nightmares


              Don't know about you guys, but I've given up on this now. It's just too hard and I'm not enjoying it as much as I thought I was going to. Boooo. Glad I didn't pay top whack for it when it came out and tried it as a replay instead.


                Yeah, I gave up on it too. I really enjoyed it but I just don't have the skill or the patience for it. Man, it's a tough game.


                  I gave up too. My interest kind of fizzled when 'The World Ends With You' and GTA showed up.

                  Nice game...I'll surely give it another go someday. Though it feels a bit more repetitive compared to my favourite Treasure games.


                    loved it. again. finished it twice as you have to. i found it well hard but parade of great tezuka characters kept drawing me on. the only treasure game i didnt given up on for being too stupidhard.


                      This is my favourite game on the GBA! Glad to see some other people that have actually played it.
                      Played to 100% completion on normal but got stuck going through the hard mode somewhere around the giant eye boss.
                      Really like the boost dash as it reminded me of Alien Soldier on the Megadrive (another fave game!).


                        I'm really surprised people have had so much trouble with this. I'm no gaming expert (In fact I'm a long way away, particularly for games like this), but I managed to get through on the normal difficulty without too much trouble. :/


                          it's a challenging game but how challenging depends on how well you master the boost/dash. Once you get your head around dashing all over the place it becomes much more straight forward, becoming a case of learning boss patterns.


                            I did enjoy this game but it wasn't fantastic. The fact that I was continuing all the time kind of took some of thrill away for me as there was no real value on whether I died or not. Plus there was loads of slowdown which takes a bit of the shine off. Othere than that it's a very good game.

