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Cheating at Boktai

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    Cheating at Boktai

    Hello, thinking about picking up a copy of Boktai and was wondering if theres any way of cheating the light sensor thingy magig? Bizzarely i never play my handhelds outside and dont intend to start now. So is there anyway around it? Or will i have to sellotape the cart to the windowsill for a few hours?
    Also is the Japanese version playable for non Japanese speakers? Gameplay impressions welcome Cheers!

    i don't think there is a way to cheat it mate, cos it registers the UV or whatever it is in sunlight, so you can't just put it under a lamp. you could try a sunbed, but that would just open up a whole new set of problems. it's kinda playable if you don't speak japanese, but less so than gba castlevanias i would say. but also bear in mind that when you begin the game you have to tell it what part of the country you are in, so the jap version asks what prefecture etc you are in (in japan) so it knows what time the sun rises and sets and all that bollocks.
    to be honest, this particular game, I would recommend getting the jap version, but playing the pal version.



      Oh i see, so it only stores sunlight during play in, er, sunlight? Leaving the cart in the sun wont charge it up then? If i do get it i'll do as you say, get the japanese for the collection and play the uk version, although i am a bit put off (as many were) just found out the was a japan only Boktai 3 for gba, didnt know that.


        You can buy one of those blacklight bulbs, that works. Yeah it works from light that is happening at that very moment. I really like Boktai , it really did add something special, I had a really good holiday in france playing it and I'd get genuniely stressed when the sun went in or it was becoming dark as you became really vunerable.


          yeah, there are three gba games in japan and one ds game (the boktai name is missing from lunar knights in the west, but in japan it is considered a sequel, you can put the boktai cartridge in the gba slot of the ds and use the solar sensor). i've got boktai and shin boktai (boktai 3) in which you get to ride a bike.. or something. the title boktai comes from the japanese title 'bokura no taiyou' which literally means 'our sun'. and since those japs are lazy and love to abbreviate everything, they just call it bokutai which becomes boktai in the west (exactly the same as pocket monsters becoming pokemon). the second game is called zokutai (zoku means to continue) and the third one is called shin bokutai (shin means new). i've got 1 and 3 (jap versions) but 2 is quite hard to find and i haven't been able to lay my hands on it yet.
          don't be too put off by having to be out in the sun, although you are right, you can't just leave the cartridge to soak up sunlight XD you don't need to play it constantly in the sun, you can store it up in the game or use metal gear style stealth when you run out. only bosses need to be defeated in sunlight. and that is all i know about boktai, thank you ;-)


            I found to play Boktai with enough sun meant there was far too much glare to really see the screen.


              What are these 'blacklight bulbs' you speak of Boris? I quite keen to play the games, alas it all sounds a right pain in the arse.


                Ah not to worry, google'd it. They really work then?


                  I was always disappointed that black light bulbs don't actually radiate black light. It would be cool if you could have a torch that throws areas into shadow.

