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Arcade Ports That Never were

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    Originally posted by J0e Musashi View Post

    You mean the pics you've seen of it? That doesn't sound like someone who has grown up with 8, 16, and 32bit gaming. The pics of Rise of the Robots looked good too if you recall...
    No seen a nice video of it on Market place , thanks to Certain advancements over the years . And I know you'll never belive me , buy I thought Rise Of The Robots looked like sh9t from day one .

    One game that did look amazing inthe screen shots was Shinobi onthe Saturn , only to turn out to be a bit pants when it was moving , that one did had me for sure .

    You know I still love my Gift From The God's , and my Wonderboy ( 2 of my fav 8 bit games of all time) , but I also like my next gen war and sport games . I don't think 80's horror will ever be bettered thanks to the likes of Tom Savini , but that's not to say I don't enjoy the odd horror these days , even if Day Of The Dead features the best effects ever seen with none of the CGI crap l

    3D is like CGI, in many ways its killed games and films, but thats only when it overused or just used for the shake of it, There are times when it used to its fullest , and its add to the gameplay and experience like with COD IV, half Life II


      Originally posted by Leon Ahoy! View Post

      When it comes to horror games, give me Splatterhouse, Castlevania, anything that is in-ya-face action. I want an adrenaline rush - not wandering around, thinking about ammo, and puzzles.

      I think that what RE4 gave its fans, its not like Castlevania SOTN, Super Metroid didn't feature wandering around , thinking mans puzzles - yet they're held as all time classics, not least by me .


        Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
        One game that did look amazing inthe screen shots was Shinobi onthe Saturn , only to turn out to be a bit pants when it was moving , that one did had me for sure.
        Had me out of ?70 that one, bastard.
        Kept you waiting, huh?


          Originally posted by samanosuke View Post

          I can't explain why I like retro games so much and have so little interest for bump mapping and Dolby Digital. My girlfriend doesn't like Guinness. I don't like modern gaming. I shouldn't need to justify my tastes to anyone.
          We're all diff and have diff tates , I just hate people that say this or last gen is rubbish yet never owned the consoles or played many of its games . If owned the systems then fair enough .

          As much I loved my Manic Minner music, most ofthe 8bit music was poor for me, and it took untill the Amiga to come out , before I started to really like the music in games.

          I'm sorry as much as I love 16 bit music, it just can't not compare to the delights of the music seen on Panzer series, REZ, JSRF , ICO, RSG, Souky, Gradius V all thats to modern chip music, and with streaming almost all games are using the chips to generate music thse days anyway

          At last game developers took music seriously in games , if its one aera thats improved over time this is it imo. Music is such a overlooked part of games


            Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
            There are times when it used to its fullest , and its add to the gameplay and experience like with COD IV
            Now call me ignorant, but is Cod IV a Sega Bass sequel? If so I must try it!!!


              Originally posted by samanosuke View Post
              Now call me ignorant, but is Cod IV a Sega Bass sequel? If so I must try it!!!
              You should, it even using the music chip as well for the music . Result


                Call of Duty 4, the sequel to Sega Bass? Well I never

