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Famicom or PCE Core Grafx?

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    Famicom or PCE Core Grafx?

    Need some advice guys,

    I'm getting ready to sell up some of my unplayed PS2 & 360 games in the hope to get some cash together to buy either...

    PC-E Core

    I'm not sure which way to go really...both have LOADS of games that I'd like to play again & I think both would be within my budget of about ?60-?70 but which is the better machine to buy for??

    Also am I right in thinking the only Famicom I really want is the A/V one?
    If so they are looking quite pricey so may well affect my choice anyway.

    So ultimately is there anything I should look out for when buying either the Fam or PCE??
    Is it best to get a PCE with RGB mod hardwired or just with the AV Booster?

    Come on help me spend my money


    If you decide Famicom, then get an AV system. It uses the same audio/video leads that the SFC, N64 and GC use, and more importantly it plays all of the games (unlike some of the clones).

    I would probably get a PC Engine Core Grafx (I or II) rather than a standard white PCE as it doesn't need to be modded and comes with a composit lead as standard.

    They're both excellent machines with tons of great games.


      It would be PC Engine all the way for me.



        Well I own neither but from looking at the range of games I'd defiantely go for a pc engine, no contest. It's just got so many appealing arcade conversions and great shooters. I think NES games have aged far worse and most of the arcade ports are crappy. Punchout is pretty much the only NES game I can think of that I'd want to own, best game on the system imo.


          PCE CG I/II all the way. I picked up a CG for around £35 on eBay, so not too expensive. They've stood the test of time much better than a Fami IMO, plus the console itself and the games will take up zero space.


            PCE it is then

            Thanks for the help guys.

            Just been browsing T' Bay & there arent any on there worth looking at now I'm ready to buy one are there

            Oh well guess I'll bide my time & pop a wanted thread up here instead then

            Now I just need to short list some games for it as well

            Thanks again guys



              Dream Stars Japan is an ebay seller that usually has decently priced PCE Core Grafx systems. The last one I purchased cost me about £35 including shipping.


                I would heartily endorse getting a pc engine too. I bought a core grafix from Qupe on here last month, and it's a great little machine. I'v managed to get a collection of around 35 games, which have all been reasonably priced. I used to own an Nes around 5 years ago, and although there was some classics on it there was a lot of turd. The main reason for me to own one was the mario games, but you can get them on mario all stars for the snes anyway.


                  PC Engine with out a doubt ! This shouldn't even be an issue



                    As above PC Engine. Up there with the SFC and Jap Saturn as the must have retro consoles.

                    As usual with a classic console you will definitely want to go the RGB route. It's easy to get the RGB output - you can even just tap into the expander pins on the back so no need to open. But this will give a darkish picture (not that bad). For the normal bright pic you need to boost the signal. Cannot remember who but someone on here made me up the booster inside the Scart plug and I wired the rest.

                    More help here:

                    This is what I have on Hu-Card - nothing rare but these are just the games that I enjoy the most on PCE.

                    Bloody Wolf
                    Chan and Chan
                    Chase HQ
                    Darius Plus
                    Devil Crash
                    Final Lap Twin
                    Formation Soccer
                    Galaga 88
                    Jackie Chan
                    New Zealand Story
                    Operation Wolf
                    PC Kid II
                    R Type I
                    R Type II
                    Side Arms
                    Space Harrier
                    Street Fighter II CE
                    Super Volleyball
                    Tiger Heli
                    Winning Shot Golf
                    Wonderboy III (Adventure Island)
                    World Court Tennis
                    World Jockey
                    World Stadium Baseball



                      I've tried searching Ebay for that sellers name but I cant find them
                      Do they have a silly way of writing their trader name at all??


                      Thanks for all that much appreciated.
                      Ideally I'd like a PCE thats had all the RGB mod done before as I'm useless at anything electrical so deffinitley wouldnt want to destroy my PCE as soon a I get it if I can get away with it.



                        here you go,i use them all the time.


                          Originally posted by garrz32 View Post

                          here you go,i use them all the time.

                          Off to spend some money now



                            I just got an AV Fami from Dream Stars Japan, he's a great seller.

                            Despite having just got the Famicom though, I'd say the PCE is clearly the superior system not only in terms of the hardware but also the games. The PCE is so much more refined and has shedloads of awesome games. PCE games seem to me anyway so much more impressive and ambitious than any similar titles on the Famicom.


                              Originally posted by MattyD View Post
                              I just got an AV Fami from Dream Stars Japan, he's a great seller.
                              second that,bought a few nice items from them and they always come up trumps.

