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The Amiga Song

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    The Amiga Song

    Do you want to hear a great song promoting the Amiga?

    Well... watch this:

    Wait until around 26seconds in. A woman starts singing the Amiga Song

    " Only Amiga.... makes it possible! " ... Sing along
    Last edited by Leon Retro; 09-05-2008, 08:50.

    Haha incredible.


      Originally posted by Baseley09 View Post
      Haha incredible.
      Incredibly funny too. ... Some of the people are unintentionally hilarious.


        Makes you glad the 80's are long behind us. That's right up there with the infamous We Are Apple infomercial.

        http://www.Alfred.TV Follow me on Twitter at INFO: This was a corporate song that was used during the Macintosh rollout in J...

        It's so bad you just have to keep watching.


          Originally posted by CMcK View Post
          Makes you glad the 80's are long behind us. That's right up there with the infamous We Are Apple infomercial.

          It's so bad you just have to keep watching.
          That Apple promotional video is simply irritating - I couldn't take more than 30seconds.

          To prove that Apple can get it right - here is a good one from 1984:


            Funny that, it's a horribly american advert for something that I've always considered to be very british.

            The quality of the lyrics is fantastic, but not fantastic enough to win over the US audience obviously.


              Yeah it's funny how the Amiga and ST always felt like British computers even though they were American. I think that so much of the software for the 16bit machines came from Europe that it felt somehow familiar to the British computer buying public.

              Of course these days Brits seem to have a far greater affinity with the USA for some reason and Euro look games seem to have been killed off with the advent of CGI. No more lovely hand drawn artwork.


                LOL excellent find !


                  This is pretty good:

                  Advert for Windows 386, which seems fairly normal until around 7 minutes in (it's quite dull until then, so I'd recommend skipping ahead until at least the 6 minute mark).


                    I never did manage to draw that tutankhamun mask...:P


                      Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
                      Funny that, it's a horribly american advert for something that I've always considered to be very british.

                      The quality of the lyrics is fantastic, but not fantastic enough to win over the US audience obviously.
                      Americans have always been willing to spend more on computer hardware. It's probably to do with that they call "Disposable Incomes" ... enabling them to splash the cash. That's why the PC, which was always very expensive, sold well in America in the 80s.

                      In Europe, we thought ?200 was a lot. That's why 8bit computers were so popular - and 16bit took a while to take off. A lot of people considered the Amiga500 to be expensive at ?399 in 1988-90 - but with its power and value for money compared to the PC, the purchase was justified.

                      It's a shame that the Americans never embraced the Amiga - it was a great machine in many ways.


                        Originally posted by JamesS View Post
                        This is pretty good:

                        Advert for Windows 386, which seems fairly normal until around 7 minutes in (it's quite dull until then, so I'd recommend skipping ahead until at least the 6 minute mark).
                        I was patient - and waited until 7minutes in. It really does get mental ... that woman made me laugh. Actors desperate to make an impression.

