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Poll: Which 8-bit micro rocks your world?

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    Poll: Which 8-bit micro rocks your world?

    The original classic, the ZX Spectrum 48k (or even 16k for the masochists)? The bigger, beefier, hearing-aid beige machine that is the C64? Perhaps you were the unlucky one whose parents bought you a BBC B for its educational value? Whatever your preference, let us know and why!!

    For me it's the Speccy, simply because it was the first machine I ever played on and subsequently owned. My mate had a C64 which I loved for its snazzy graphics and sound, but I was so accustomed to playing on the Speccy with all its colour clash and beeping sound that the C64 never felt the same. Plus I wasn't adept at using this funny contraption called a 'joystick' and instead preferred using QAOPM. I did always prefer BBC Basic to that absurd one-key method the Speccy used though.
    Other weirdness

    This should be a proper Poll! C64 FTW


      C64 for me - i liked the Speccy and all that but once i had the c64, the speccy got relegated :/

      SID chip was a big difference.

      BBC Educational value : is that what Elite is know as?


        Amstrad CPC. It's criminal that its considered to be third after speccy and c64 in most cases.


          C64 for me, although I was lucky that my mates had both Spectrum and the CPC, so I got to play all three regular - Always thought the CPC was the most desirable.

          But regardless of that, the C64 gave me many hours of gaming and I loved that little machine.


            Speccy for me.
            Still have mine sat in the loft.

            It was my first ever home computer & as such will always have a special place in my heart.

            Started off with the plastic key 48k then a few christmas's later got a +2 which stayed with me always.

            Had all the classics too...

            Airborne Ranger
            Batman: The Movie
            Batman: The Caped Crusader
            Head over Heels
            Football Manager
            Nemesis the Warlock

            The list is endless.

            Loved it so much & something I doubt I will ever part with.



              C64 without a question.

              Having said that I think that the 8 bit era was very interesting for all the "almost rans", the Dragon 32, Oric-1, Jupiter Ace, Oric Atmos, the Elan, etc. Then there were the more US-centric big names, like the Apple IIgs and the Atari 800XL, and the Japanese consortium of MSX machines that I used to toy with in Laskys in bexleyheath after school.

              Mere curios maybe, but I think of that era being the gold-rush of the home computing era, where genious electronics wizards and academics backed with their parents' pensions competed with large, established business machine companies and coin-op game upstarts. The excitement of this era likens to that of the propspectors rush to the Klondike and a lot of it was happening in Britain and Europe.
              Last edited by gunrock; 22-07-2008, 11:32. Reason: Forgot the MSX machines!


                C64 for me too. I started playing on a mates spectrum, but when I saw the C64 and how much better the games looked on it that was the one for me. I remember my mum got me one second hand with over 100 games. I was like a kid in a sweetie shop for weeks!


                  Commodore 16, beats all the rest hands down.


                    C64 for me. I've actually owned a Spectrum and CPC464 aswell in the past aswell, and I have utmost respect for those too, but C64 got most of my attention.

                    I feel lucky that I was able to experience the 8-bit home computer era to a considerable extent (despite being quite young). I can't imagine what it must be like growing up these days with only consoles and Microsoft Windows... horrible thought.


                      Originally posted by chaoticjelly View Post
                      Commodore 16, beats all the rest hands down.
                      Actually, I was always interested in C16 and Plus 4, just from the point of view of them being some of the worst decision making I'd ever seen. I used to play with them in the high street stores to get a feel for them. Odd systems.


                        Poll added.


                          More options plz!


                            Defo the C64.
                            Still got mine, set up, along with the usual suspects - 1541, Action Replay etc.
                            Had a Speccy sat farting away beneath me TV before a game of Frantic Freddie convinced me the grass WAS greener.
                            It wasn't just the amazing games or the fantastic SID chip, it was something that I was very lucky to experience at that time: The birth of the internet as a community and the C64s very active demoscene.
                            It was a machine that had and still has a very loyal userbase.
                            New demo productions are still released quite regularly, which push the hardware way beyond my
                            pre-conceived limits.
                            Along with hardware releases;
                            PC-Hardsid (you all know, I'm sure - Got Mine)
                            MMC64 - plug+play storage for the C64 on SDcard, imagine everything ever released on C64 including HVSC playable on the real Hardware (no more ****e PC emu).
                            Coming soon 1541-Ultimate!!!


                              the Dragon 32
                              i had a Dragon 32 - i guess that's where i got into coding (well, coding basic).

                              Tom Mix Software were awesome
                              The King was a great Donkey Kong clone.

